16 - Precious

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Grandma Li fainted straight after she found out about the news and was brought away by an ambulance.

Once again, the apartment was crowded with criminal investigators, forensic officers, field officers and technicians. The tenants were temporarily detained inside their own houses and were not allowed to go out without the police's supervision, preventing any additional chaos from breaking out.

Even then, a huge uproar was already formed. It was expected that reporters would soon arrive at this place. Goodness, the missing woman that the police had been searching these past two days was really dead! Not only that, her body was dumped on top of the elevator and already decomposed by the time she was found! How terrifying!

Captain Namjoon's frown was deep as he stood amidst the busy lobby and gave out one command after another in uproar. "Gather all the DNA available on the scene! I don't want to miss even one strand of hair or footprint! Where is the photographer? Come and record this place! Since when did this elevator start to malfunction? Where is the worker responsible for fixing it? Call them here! Now!!"

For a while, the lobby was in utter chaos. Camera light flashed intermittently, people shouting into their phones, messy footsteps striding back and forth. In addition to that, the smell of the rotten corpse was too repulsive. Half of the young officers who had never seen something so horrible like this already ran out to empty their stomach's content.

And in the middle of the busy hubbub was Jungkook who was sitting on a plastic chair, holding his forehead with a pale complexion.

As the person who had found the body, of course he was not allowed to leave. Jungkook understood very well. He was just taking a brief respite to regain his bearings. Back then, as he pried the elevator door open, the light from the lobby had spilled into the small gap and illuminated the scene in front of him.

Even though it was just a glimpse, the gruesome scene had already been burned to the back of his eyelids. Jungkook doubted he would ever forget it despite his bad memory.

He saw Miss Zhao's body sprawled on top of the dirty and rusty cubicle with her limbs twisted in a strange angle. Even in death, she still had a tormented look on her face as though she could not gain liberation. And coincidentally, that little block of light had landed on her lifeless, bloody eyes. Staring straight at Jungkook like a scene straight out of a horror movie.

A throbbing pain stabbed into his head and he pressed his lips thin, trying to contain the nausea that had been churning his stomach ever since.

In the next moment, a refreshing fragrance of lavender and peppermint wafted into his nose, greatly alleviating the discomfort all over his body.

Jungkook cracked his eyes open in time to see Jimin reaching his slender and beautiful hands out, knuckles bent, to tentatively press them beside Jungkook's aching temple. Jimin's fingers were cold and gave off a frosty aura just like the owner. In spite of that, the strength he exerted to give Jungkook a massage was extremely gentle.

"How are you feeling?" The volume of his voice was low just enough for Jungkook to hear, and for some reason, it gave off an indescribable sense of intimacy that scratched tenderly on Jungkook's heart. It was as if he was being prodded by a fierce kitten who had carefully retracted its claws, afraid that he would be hurt.

Jungkook could not help the smile forming on his lips. The sensation of Jimin's fingers on him plus the soothing pheromones he exuded made Jungkook so comfortable that he wanted to snuggle closer to the omega and purr loudly from his throat.

It was really magical how Jimin's mere presence could bring him so much comfort, more than anything ever did.

Alas, Jungkook was very conscious of the flow of people around them. Although each of them were busy with their respective tasks, it was still inappropriate for Jimin to be seen acting so intimately with a former prime suspect. Thus, against all the urge to pull Jimin closer and bury his face into Jimin's sweet smelling body, Jungkook drew back to put some distance between them.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now