12 - District 15

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Jungkook might have teased Jimin about the car, but he was serious in sending the omega to his destination. Fortunately, Jungkook had the insight to place a few spare sets of clothes in his trunk and hence, he directly switched out of the soiled clothes and assumed the appearance of a neat gentleman.

Yuyang District 15.

Jungkook's memory might not be good, yet for some reason, as soon as Captain Kim said those words, he was suddenly reminded when Jackson came home in an extremely bad mood five months ago. He only spoke after chugging down half a bottle of cold beer. "Those bastards in District 15, see if I will catch them one day!"

Even though the beta was always scowling 24/7 and seemed to be in a perpetual bad mood as though the whole world owed him a million dollars, he was actually very patient and understanding deep down. Otherwise, he would not have advanced so fast in his career to be the senior attending surgeon in the biggest hospital in capital City. He had dealt with countless patients everyday and many of them were very unreasonable. Even then, Jack had never lost his temper. Until that day.

"Listen to me, Jungkook." The beta slurred, half-drunk and still sizzling with anger. "Don't ever step foot in District 15! They're not humans, I told you! All of them are sick bastards!

"How dare they do something like that to a fifteen years old teenager and a Beta at that?! There's no fucking evidence, they said... Ha, that's utter bullshit!"

Who those bastards were and what kind of thing they had done to the teenager was lost to Jungkook because Jackson did not look like he wanted to discuss it further. And thus, Jungkook could only curb his curiosity in the meantime and accompany the drunk man while he sipped on his banana milk. After that, his bad memory prompted him to forget this little incident.

As it turned out, the brief conversation with Jackson must have made quite a great impact for Jungkook to recall it timely.

According to what he had just heard from snippets of Jimin and Captain Kim's conversation, it seemed like Miss Yunji was kicked out of her house when she was a teenager and then rescued by a police officer on duty. After that, She went missing for two years and nobody knew where she had gone. As of now, the aforementioned police officer had retired and lived in Yuyang District 15.

"Have you ever been to District 15 before?" Jungkook could not help asking. Despite not taking his eyes off the road, he could feel Jimin's observing gaze on him.

"No," the omega replied. "Have you?"

"I haven't either."

"You know something." That sounded like a statement rather than a question.

Jungkook could not help but chuckle in mirth. He slowly stepped on the brake when the traffic light turned red and only when the car stopped did he turn to find Jimin staring at him intrusively.

That gaze of his was so sharp and piercing, it reminded Jungkook of the moment when he was first interrogated by Jimin. Unfortunately this time, Jungkook was no longer affected by it. How could he, when he had known how soft and alluring Jimin's eyes looked when he was lost in pleasure?

"I do know a little," he decided to be honest. And then, he shrugged and added. "But I don't know if it's related to Miss Zhao's case or not."

"Tell me."

And Jungkook did.

There was actually not much he could say because it was only a slip of tongue when Jack was drunk and Jungkook knew that the beta wouldn't have said it otherwise. In the end, Jungkook gave an offer to ask Jackson because he was the one who knew more about this matter. "I can call him right now and ask about it if you want?"

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now