28 - Mission successful?

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Jungkook's smile froze on his face and his body turned rigid for a split second. He had initially assumed that these people would come to seek vengeance for what he had done to their young. Yet as it turned out, it was the complete opposite...?

Young Master Huo peeked at Jungkook through his lashes and when Jungkook glanced at him in uncertainty, he immediately shrunk his neck and forced out through gritted teeth. "S-Sorry..."

Han Shan almost got a heart attack when he heard this. Oh God, how he wished he would whack this Huo brat on the head to smack some sense into that hard skull of his! Gripping his cane tighter, he rebuked in a severe tone. "Use a formal tone, you brat!"

When he turned to face Jungkook, the scowl on his face immediately vanished to be replaced with a flattering smile. In truth, Han Shan's legs were shaking so badly that he could hardly stand straight without his cane. 

"S-Sir, it is completely this brat's fault. I deeply apologize for the trouble we have caused you. You..." Han Shan's voice turned slightly panicky. "You can do whatever you want to this brat. He is free for you to use and dispose of. Can you please... pardon us just this one time?"

Jungkook was taken aback by the treatment he received. This man was so polite to him and he even willingly sent Young Master Huo to him to... use and dispose of? 

Jungkook's eyelids twitched violently. Why did he feel like something was extremely wrong with it?

"No, no... there is no need to go to such lengths." Jungkook could not help but feel relieved. He thought that he had gotten himself into a huge trouble this time. The smile he directed toward the man with the cane became a tad more sincere. "Actually, part of the blame lies in me. I shouldn't have lost control of myself. I accept Young Master Huo's apology, but..." 

Jungkook's expression turned solemn as he started to preach like the teacher he was. "...please make sure that Young Master Huo will not repeat it again in the future. Forcing other people to comply with his whims is not good."

Han Shan nodded like chicken pecking rice. "Yes, yes, Sir is right. I will educate him well. Please don't worry about it."

The staff who gathered in the lobby were dumbfounded when they saw their usually imposing Boss showed such a reverential look toward this handsome Alpha. They could not help but wonder. Exactly who was this person...?

Jungkook smiled brighter. It seemed like he had been too prejudiced. Clearly, not all wealthy people were bad. "That's good." Then he recalled he had not learned the other person's name and asked, "Excuse me, you are..."

As expected, the devil had forgotten about him! The relief that coursed through Han Shan's body right now was unimaginable. With a renewed vigor, he fished out a business card from his suit pocket and offered it to Jungkook with both hands like how an eunuch would present a scroll to the emperor, very humble and respectful. 

"This one is surnamed Han, given name Shan. Coincidentally, I own this humble bar. If Sir doesn't mind, I can give you a special member card so you can have free drinks for the rest of your life. How about it?"

Jungkook's eyes widened in astonishment. As it turned out, this was the real owner of Phoenix Ablaze? The so-called mysterious figure whom nobody could meet at will? Hearsay he had a very dignified and impressive aura. But the man in front of him... Jungkook shook his head helplessly. One really should not believe in rumors carelessly.

The real owner of Phoenix Ablaze turned out to be so humble and polite. Jungkook was ashamed that he had caused a huge mess in this place. How could he accept this offer? "No, no, it's okay," he hastily rejected with an abashed smile. "I seldom drink so it's not convenient for me to accept it. Sir Han, you should take back the offer. I have already accepted Young Master Huo's apology so... shall we put this matter behind us?"

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now