36 - Goodbye

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"Thank you so much for your hard work," Jungkook gave a deep bow toward the officers, then handed the packages of fresh snacks he had bought on the way here with a courteous smile on his face. "This is just a small gift, but please enjoy it and fill your stomachs a little."

After saying this, he stepped aside to reveal Yoongi who was carrying a bag of fruit juices. "Thank you for your hard work," he copied what Jungkook said in a flat tone as he handed the beverages over.

The officers, who were just feeling mellow due to the revelation of Miss Zhao's case, were immediately rejuvenated and thanked the two men loudly. For a while, the atmosphere in the division became especially rowdy and lively.

Who said that this was bribing? It was just a gesture of gratitude! Anyway, as long as they devoured the food cleanly into their stomachs, nobody would be able to find the evidence. If worse came to worst, they could just throw the blame to their Captain and claim that it was him who decided to treat everyone!

"Hey, that one looks so tasty! I have tagged this set! Don't you dare touch this one, okay?!"

"Woah, this juice is so fresh!!"

"Is this Heaven?"

"Hey brat! Don't take mine!!"

"Who wants this strawberry juice? Let me exchange it with the melon one!!"

Amidst the lively scene, Jimin gingerly stepped forward and whispered to Jungkook in a low voice that only both of them could hear. "You don't need to do this."

"Why can't I? As I have said earlier, I am just thanking everyone for their hard work." Jungkook gave a good-natured laugh. He picked one cup of green colored juice and offered it to Jimin. "And you too. Here, you should drink this."

Jimin lowered his gaze and saw a familiar looking juice. Almost in an instant, his face darkened. His brows furrowed in displeasure as he recalled the healthy yet disgusting potion Jungkook had made for him just this morning. The words 'don't want to drink' were plastered on his forehead in bold capital letters. But in spite of that, he still took the juice from Jungkook's hand, albeit with a very reluctant look on his face.

Just looking at his reaction was enough to make Jungkook burst out into laughter. Goodness, how could this man be so adorable?! He resisted the urge to pinch Jimin's cheeks and flashed a mischievous smile instead. "What are you thinking about, Officer Park? This is just cucumber juice with a few drops of lemon. It is very refreshing and tastes only mildly sweet. You will definitely enjoy it very much."

Jimin knew that he had been teased again and shot Jungkook with a look that said 'I know what you're doing but you'd better behave in this place'.

Jungkook also did not have any intention to continue teasing him, mainly because of the inappropriate location and also... because he was here today to accompany Yoongi. He turned around in time to see Yoongi finished talking with Captain Namjoon.

"Done?" he asked gently.

Yoongi nodded, his expression was carefully neutral to the point where people could not pick up his emotions. However, Jungkook had not known him only for one or two days. People might not know, but Jungkook could easily see that Yoongi was very... shaken.

He gave a little nod to Jimin, then approached Yoongi to pat him on the shoulder. "Let's go. I will accompany you there." If it was the usual Yoongi, he would have refused outright and claimed that he did not need anyone to go with him. Yet this time, Yoongi merely gave a very faint hum.

With Namjoon leading the way, they made their way to the forensic center and joined the officer on duty who had already been waiting for them outside the morgue. The officer gave Namjoon a salute before turning to Yoongi and Jungkook, asking. "Will the two of you enter together?"

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now