18 - Do you trust me?

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Jungkook only managed to get up after performing a series of breathing exercises that Yoongi taught him.

Glancing at the clock, Jungkook realized that it was only four am in the morning. However, there was no way he would be able to fall asleep anymore...

Rubbing his forehead, Jungkook let out a sigh and finally resigned to his fate. His whole body felt sticky and uncomfortable due to the sweat so he went to grab another shirt from his bag and decided to refresh himself a little. There was no ensuite bathroom in the guest room and hence, he had to go out to the common one.

Passing through the hallway, Jungkook took a glance at the silent house and knew immediately that Jimin had not returned yet. Without him, the house felt so cold and desolate that it sent chills down Jungkook's spine.

After changing, he sat on the living room couch in a daze, not even bothering to turn on the lights. Then recalling something, he grabbed his phone and saw that there was a new voice note from Jimin sent at 12.30 am in the morning.

Jungkook's eyes lit up and he quickly placed the phone next to his ear. This time, there was a cacophony of people talking to each other as well as hasty footsteps in the background. It sounded very lively and chaotic.

Jimin's voice flowed as smoothly as ever. "We have locked in on a new suspect. I can't tell you much, but I just want to inform you that your suspicion has been completely lifted. Good night, Hyung."

Jungkook blankly played the voice note again and again, concentrating on the part where Jimin said 'Hyung'. He could not help but compare it to the voice he had heard in his dream. After waking up, the voice had become slightly blurry in his mind and he could only remember how his heart was torn to pieces when he heard that. The teenager's voice was hard to discern, especially when he was screaming and crying shrilly to the point of breathlessness.

Honestly, it did not sound like Jimin at all, whose voice was so ethereal and calm that it seemed to have a bewitching power to it. After all, such a coincidence was not very likely... right?

Upon their first meeting, Jungkook had asked whether they had met before and Jimin had readily denied it. Jimin obviously had no reason to lie so... this must be Jungkook getting paranoid again. Yes, that must be it!

Leaning back on the couch, Jungkook held his forehead, traced the rough line of the scar with the tip of his finger, and let out a forlorn sigh. "Have I become too obsessed with the past again?"

It was not like Jungkook had not tried to find his family, or anyone who might know him. When he was still recovering from the aftereffect of the coma, he had discussed this matter with Jackson.

Back then, putting advertisements or missing posters on television needed an exorbitant amount of price, especially for longer duration. He had just woken up and did not even have a single cent on him, thus he could only rely on Jackson's kindness.

Nonetheless, seven years ago Jackson had not become a renowned surgeon like he was now. He was still a small doctor in a rural clinic who accidentally picked Jungkook up and took the great risk to operate on him. With their meager savings, they could not afford to put missing posters on television at all and so, they could only settle with newspapers.

There were tons of missing posters in the newspaper each day, especially when the time was still tumultuous with the number of crimes increasing each day. However, Jungkook had a very positive mindset. He'd thought that... as long as he still had a family member out there, as long as someone was still searching for him, then they would definitely find Jungkook's poster in the newspaper.

Alas... they had kept up the poster for two months, even to the extent of sending it to multiple local newspapers, yet Jungkook did not receive any news whatsoever. His poster merged with hundred others like stone sinking into deep sea, unseen and unnoticed.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now