20 - Secret massage

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For a while, Jungkook was at an utter loss of words.

Myriads of thoughts flashed through his mind at a high speed. What did Miss Zhao leave this secret message for? Had she always known that this day would come? That the police would rummage through her belongings, found this one letter which held no importance whatsoever, then handed it to her boyfriend who would discover the truth? Or... was it not the police that Miss Zhao was wary of, but another party they were still unaware of?

As Jungkook took in Yoongi's disheveled appearance, a guess popped up in his mind and his eyes flew wide in surprise. "Then the matter you said you have to take care of—"

"En," Yoongi cut him off once again, having read the direction of his thoughts. "I drove to Mount Ying right after I opened the letter. She has left me such an obvious clue, how can I not follow it through?"

"Oh God, Min..." Jungkook held his forehead. He did not know whether he should feel worried or angry. Soon afterward, he realized that it was neither concern nor anger he was feeling. It was fear. He was afraid that something terrible would happen to Yoongi or worse, he would be targeted by the perpetrator who had killed Miss Zhao! As Jungkook recalled Miss Zhao's tragic corpse, he could not help but lash out at the Beta in front of him,

"You... Don't you know how dangerous it is?! Driving back and forth to Mount Ying overnight, and alone at that! Why didn't you tell the police and hand the letter over to them?!" Jungkook let out a frustrated exhale and his voice softened, tinged with a hint of helplessness. "...At least, you should give me or Jack a head's up. Had we known, we could have tagged along with you. What should we do if an accident happens to you midway?"

As Jungkook nagged ceaselessly, Yoongi merely stared at him with a calm look and let him talk as much as he wanted.

When Jungkook saw this expression of his, he instantly knew that Yoongi was just humoring him and did not actually listen to what he said. Jungkook's lips twitched into an exasperated smile. What was the use of lecturing Yoongi? He had always known how stubborn and unyielding the beta was despite his placid temperament. Right now, there was nothing more important than him returning safely. "...Nothing happens to you, right?" Jungkook asked worriedly as he gave Yoongi a once-over.

"Don't worry." Yoongi replied coolly. "If something had happened, I would not be sitting here in front of you now."

As much as Jungkook thought that what Yoongi said made perfect sense, he also got a very strong urge to slap him on the back of his head. How could he say something like that so casually?! Jungkook reached out to tug on Yoongi's wrist and forced him to knock on the table. "Knock on wood! You silly, watch what you said!"

With a look as if he had nothing left to live for, Yoongi could only comply and rapped his knuckles on the table thrice. Only then did Jungkook huff and agreed to let him go.

Yoongi sipped on his coffee, asking expressionlessly, "Are you done?"

Jungkook shot him an displeased look. He had a belly of complaints to tell, but because he knew that Yoongi would only treat it as wind, he could only swallow it back down. Helpless, he gestured for Yoongi to speak.

The Beta put down his coffee and clasped his hands on the table. His expression suddenly became serious and seeing that, Jungkook could not help but straighten up as well. "Hyung, I have my own reason why I chose to go alone. I believe that this is what Yunji wanted me to do as well and... I want to respect her last wish." Yoongi lowered his lashes and a hint of sadness flashed imperceptibly across his eyes.

However, he was a very logical and cool-headed man. His innate temperament did not allow him to lose control of his emotions so easily. As such, when he raised his eyes again, Jungkook already could not find any traces of grief inside.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now