Kill the Demon!

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Due to the depravity from within, the Empire that existed for 1000 years had entered into a decline. And so, they forcibly taught martial arts to 100 pure children that they had bought. Then they raised them as pawns to be used to nip the buds of rebellion. This was the establishment of the Government's secret service. 

It was the Assassination Squad. 

They were tested based on their qualities and were divided between the seven with superior abilities and the rest. 

The elite seven were moved to a remote region and were cultivated into becoming assassins. 

As for the remaining ones, those ones who had lesser abilities, they had their abilities forcibly heightened through the usage of drugs. Kurome was one of those ones. 

At a cabin nearby... 

Chelsea: But I can't- 

(Y/N): NO! We're not going after Kurome! 

Chelsea: But I can take her out when she's weakened! 

(Y/N): No way Chelsea! You'll get yourself killed! 

Ruby: He's right Chelsea. There's something off about her. Besides, we did a lot of damage already. 

Akame: Are you sure it was smart to spare Bols' life, (Y/N)? 

(Y/N): He's in good hands. 

Blake: Yeah, Lilith can take care of him for now. 

(Y/N): I'll have her search for his family. Right now, the Jaegers believe he's dead. 

Yang: On the better side too, Leone's going to get her arm fixed! 

Lubbock: Through me of course. These babies can also stitch things back together. No need to thank me. 

Najenda: Not as good as how Susanoo can recover. 

Lubbock: UGH! 

(Y/N): Akame? 

You noticed that she was quiet. 

Akame: Huh? Yes? 

(Y/N): Don't worry, I'm sure Kurome is fine.  

Akame: Yeah, I bet she is. 

Ruby: Still ... that Teigu. I can't stand it. 

Weiss: Me neither. How can she just keep them alive and not let them move on? 

Sheele: We at least took out several of the strong ones though. Speaking of, Mine are you doing okay? You were lucky to get out of there alive. 

Mine: Of course I was. Pumpkin doesn't need a Trump Card. The more dangerous the situation, the stronger the shot is. It's able to blast through the worst of the worst! 

Susanoo: I'm going to apply the ointment. It'll sting. 

Susanoo rubbed Mine's arm. 


Weiss: You were saying Mine? 


Weiss just stuck her tongue out at Mine. 

Back with Kurome... 

Kurome took a rest. 

Kurome: Other than Doya and Natala, they broke all of my puppets. It'll probably be impossible to gather that much ability again. Guess I'll just eat some cookies for now. 

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