Chimera Ant Extermination!

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The other members of Team ATMCLS were plowing through several Chimera Ants in succession. 

Akame: Eliminate. 

Akame slashed one into pieces, and another she affected with Mursamae. 

Akame: Hmm ... I wonder if they're edible. 

Leone: Sounds like a good idea. Wish Suu was still around. He would know how to make a killer dinner out of this! 

Leone snapped one's neck in her Lionelle state. 

Sheele blinded one with Extase's trump card, and then sliced it in half. 

Sheele: I'm sorry. 

Mine then blasted several with Pumpkin. 

Mine: Ha, how do you like that? You can't withstand Pumpkin's power. Say, where's Chelsea? 

Sheele: She should be around here somewhere. 


Two Chimera Ants were making their way through the Nest. 

One was Chelsea in disguise, and the other was Ikalgo hiding inside of the corpse of one. 

Ikalgo: Any nearby? 

Chelsea: No. Not that I know of. Possibly- 

Then a giant Chimera Ant appeared by them. 

Chelsea: What in the?! 

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Chelsea: What in the?! 

Ikalgo: What is this?! 

???: Oh, what's this Pell? Did you find some intruders? 

A small Chimera Ant walks in. 

Boki (One of Zazan's Top Minions!) 

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Boki (One of Zazan's Top Minions!) 

Chelsea: That guy must be the one giving the orders. 

Ikalgo: How could you tell? 

Chelsea: The little controller he has. 

Boki: Alright, you guys can come out now. Once I'm done with both of you, you'll make excellent slaves for the Queen. 

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