Off to Shang Tu!

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You all gathered into Shang Mu City Hall's Dining Room where a massive amount of food was placed before you. All the pork buns, fried rice, takoyaki, yakisoba, sushi, etc.!

Zao: Don't worry about taking turns. I'm sure you must be hungry, so have at it!


Girls: YUMMY!

You all started to eat without delay!


Carol: YOU BET!

Lilac: WHOAWHOAWHOA! You both like sushi? Is this the end of the world?

Weiss: I actually thought that when Ruby and I started dating actually.

Ruby: Really?

Weiss: Honestly, I'm surprised we've been together this long.

(Y/N): Awwww!

Ruby: You snowflake you.

Torque then caught notice of a statue of a dragon head on the wall.

Torque: What's up with the head on the wall over there?

Zao: That's the pride of my collection! An ancient statue modeled after the dragon of the Before Time.

Torque: What's special about them compared to, y'know, someone like Lilac?

Zao: What's special? Hah! Did you come from another planet or something?

(Y/N): AGH!

You nearly choked on your food.

(Y/N): Sorry, sesame seed got stuck in my throat.

Zao: Long ago, a magnificent creature soared across Avalice in a ball of fire. When it landed, our ancestors were so captivated by it's power ans beauty that they built three kingdoms in it's honor.

Blake: And those are Shang Mu, Shang Tu, and Shuigang right?

Zao: Bingo! And when the cities were built, the dragon transformed into the legendary Kingdom Stone we know and love today. The exact same stone that was heartlessly yanked away from me.

Carol: (while eating) You took it first!

Team (Y/N): SHH!

Carol: Sorry.

Ruby: Why did you take it though, Mayor Zao?

Zao: Because Shang Mu is on the brink of an energy crisis. With the stone in our hands, we could've solved it overnight!

Weiss: That sure didn't help you.

Torque: I don't think that this "energy crisis: of yours is an accident. I think it's deliberate, and we know the one who is responsible.

(Y/N): Yep.

Back at the Shuigang Palace...

Brevon is seen having take out rogue warriors who tried to take back the palace.

Brevon: Don't bore me with your lectures. I've heard them a thousand times from a thousand self-righteous warriors. Unless you have something useful to say, the only thing that matters to me is how quickly I can cast you aside. I really have a lot of work to do.

Rogue Warrior: (cough) You'll fail. Men like you always fail.

Brevon then sliced him in half.

Brevon: Interesting theory.

Syntax then appeared.

Syntax: Hello Sir. Have you taken out the intruders yet?

Brevon: What is it this time?

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