Take down Leol's Squad!/Ikalgo the Octopus!

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As Cheetu kept trying to outrace APR, he ran into Leol. 

Leol: I figured you'd be out here. 

Cheetu: Well look who it is. I thought I heard Flutter directing me out here. Good, I didn't feel like fighting. 

Leol: That's a relief. By the way, what is that thing? 

Cheetu: Beats me. I was attacked by two hunters. One was a bitch with a red hood and a scythe, and the other was this punk with a pompadour. The latter hit me, and now this thing starts following me no matter how fast I run. 

Leol: You know, I can take it off of you. 

Cheetu: You can? Well, it won't come cheap. 

Leol: Heh, of course you'd say that. The Royal Guards already tasked me with a job. I need your help. 

Then he heard Flutter's voice. 

Flutter: Sir Leol. I've found them. They're heading north in the woods by the highway. 

Leol: I guess Lady Pitou had a hunch on that. Okay Flutter, get all of the Squad to go after them. 

Cheetu: What's going on? 

Leol: We're chasing three hunters. Two girls, and one kid. 

Cheetu: You want my help then? 

Leol: Not so fast. You need to get rid of that thing first. Lord Pouf should prepare you an ability that matches your talents. If you're fast enough, you could learn it in one day. 

Cheetu: All I have to do is work for the King right? 

Leol: Exactly right. You're a fast learner. 

Cheetu: No wonder you're the King of the Beasts. 


Blake, Yang, and Killua continued to avoid all of Leol's men. 

Blake: I hear more of them! 


Killua: There has to be one that's tracking us from the sky. 

Blake: I could use Gyo on my ears in order to increase my hearing capabilities. But that would take a lot of my aura to use. 

Then they noticed five Chimera ANts coming to attack them! 

Then they noticed five Chimera ANts coming to attack them! 

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Killua: Oh no you don't! 

Killua used two yo-yos of his to hit two in the head, allowing Blake to use her shadows to stab them with her shadow blades! 

Then Yang began to use her aura to fire a fireball and blast another! 

???: CRAP! This is bad! Fighting these three head-on would be bad! 

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