Welcome to Sophian Island!/Follow Suicune!

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You all arrived on the island, and it looked very fancy! 

(Y/N): So this is Sophian Island. 

Weiss: This is pretty fancy. Something straight out of the Alolan Region. 

Ben: You guys have been to Alola? 

Ruby: Heck yeah! We went there on vacation before! 

Yang: That was fun. 

???: Oh what do we have here? Visitors? 

Ben: We're here looking for a carpet weaver here that can answer us on well

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Ben: We're here looking for a carpet weaver here that can answer us on well ... something. 

Old Woman: Oh you mean Weber? He lives in that house over there. 

(Y/N): Thanks Ms.- 

Kasa: Kasa. My name is Kasa. 

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Kasa! 


You all walk into Weber's house, but he's not there. 

Blake: Maybe he's running errands. 

Summer: Maybe ... hey! Look! 

Summer pointed to the carpet, it was the same as the one in Rand's house! 

(Y/N): It looks like he did see Articuno! 


A man ran by outside. 


(Y/N): Another Legendary Pokemon here?! 

Ruby: You don't think Weber went to go and see it right? 

(Y/N): He probably did. Let's see if we can find Suicune! 


You guys entered the jungles and saw- 

Pincher Grunt: AFTER SUICIUNE! 

Running across the water was the Legendary Pokemon itself! 

Running across the water was the Legendary Pokemon itself! 

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Summer: It's Suicune alright! 

(Y/N): We have to stop the Pinchers at all costs! 

Yang: Right! No way they're getting they're hands on a Legendary Pokemon after they already woke up Moltres! 

You all pursued the Pinchers across the island, even going underwater, but they kept moving at such speeds! 

And eventually, they had cornered Suicune! 

(Y/N): HEY! 

Ruby: You leave Suicune alone! 

Pincher Grunt: It's the Rangers, and the Champion's Group! 

Pincher Grunt 2: Now what do we do? 

Pincher Grunt 3: I know! We'll just leave Suicune to deal with them while we grab the Emblem! 

Pincher Grunts 1 and 2: ALRIGHT! 

They anger Suicune with some rock throws and bolt! 

(Y/N): Suicune wai- 

But Suicune tried to attack you, only for- 

Pikachu: PIKACHU! 

Pikachu attacked Suicune back with a Thunderbolt! 

(Y/N): NICE ONE PIKACHU! Keep that up! 

Pikachu kept dodging Suicune's attacks and shocking it over and over again! 

Ben and Summer: WAIT! 

They both got in and began to use their stylers on Suicune to calm it down and then a sign appeared and Ben copied it! 

Ben: NICE! 

Suicune then took off. 

Everyone: WHEW! That should- 


A young man with black hair, a green shirt, grey pants, and black dress shoes called out! 

(Y/N): Who are you? 

???: I'm Weber, the carpet weaver! 

(Y/N): You're Weber? 

Weber: Yes, I bet you were expecting someone older? 

Ruby: Kind of. What are you doing over there? 

Weber: I saw the Pinchers, and I knew that they were up to no good, so I ran to stop them, and now I'm stuck over here! 

Weiss: Hang on, I'll just freeze the water and- 

Ben: Wait Weiss, I got a better idea. 

Ben called Suicune with the sign. 

(Y/N): Oh hey! Good idea! Suicune, can you help Weber across? 

Suicune walked across the water and let Weber on. 

Weber: Thanks Suicune! 

He was lead across the river. 

Weber: I can't thank you enough for this. Please, why don't you come to my house? 

(Y/N): Good, we've been looking to talk to you actually. 

Weber: Is that so? 

(Y/N): Yeah, we want to know what you know about Articuno. 

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