Mt. Sorbet!/Articuno!

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You all returned to Weber's house to ask him about the carpet. 

(Y/N): That's what we want to know. 

Weber: About Articuno's location? 

Ruby: Yeah! You created the rug, so you must have seen him! 

Weber: I'm sorry to tell you this, but I didn't create it. 

Ben and Summer: WHAT?! YOU DIDN'T?! 

Weiss: But ... why is it even here then? 

Weber: One of my ancestors actually met Articuno and designed it after the legendary ice bird Pokemon. But I just don't know how he did it. 

Yang: WELL CRAP! Now we're at a dead end! What do we do? We got a big problem! 

???: Well, we'll see about that. 

Leanne appeared. 

Team (Y/N): LEANNE?! How did you get here? 

Leanne: I asked Murph to give me a ride with the Union. 

(Y/N): I see. 

Weber: And you are? 

Leanne: An archeologist. I really love the design of this. I have one just like it. 

Weber: Thanks! It's made from the wool of a Mareep, so- 

Pikachu: PIKA?! 

Pichu: PICHU?! 

They both got angry, and the two electrical rodents began to zap the rug! 


Weber: PLEASE STOP! It wasn't yanked out! It's taken from natural shedding! 

Both Pikachu and Pichu were dumbfounded and embarrassed. 

Ruby: No wait! 

(Y/N): What? 

Ruby: There was a glowing message that came when they shocked it. 

Summer: I think I saw it too! 

(Y/N): Pikachu, Pichu, can you both go again? 

They nodded and used their electricity again, and Leanne looked at it. 

Leanne: Hmm ... I think I see! 

Weber: What? 

Leanne: Your ancestor met with Articuno on a snow-capped mountain peak! 

Weber: Hmm ... that has to be Mt. Sorbet, it's the tallest mountain on this island! 

(Y/N): Then that must be where Red Eyes and his men are headed! To Mt. Sorbet then! 

You all rushed off! 

Outside of Weber's House.. 

You guys saw Kasa at a table with Hocus and Arley. 


Ruby: They're all here? 

Kasa: Ah, hello everyone. 

Arley: Long time no see. 

Hocus: Nothing up my sleeve but a hello to you all! 

Blake: Are you three old friends? 

Kasa: Why yes. We're waiting on a fourth one. 

(Y/N): I bet it's- 

Edward appeared. 

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