Attack at Night!

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Ruby kept looking about for any White Fang Members who would try to make a move on them.

Ruby: I'm like a falcon, eyes focused on my surroundings. Nothing will distract me from what I have to do.

Though as she continued to glance in each direction, what she didn't know, was that the villains were already ahead of her!

Out from the floor of the house, there was the Albain Brothers, Rachel, Ilia, and Tawny!

Fennec: This is it.

Ilia: Blake is here.

Rachel: Are you already getting soft on a traitor, Ilia?

Ilia: I ...

Tawny: She sided with the humans, and that makes her a traitor.

Ilia began to feel anger inside of her.

Ilia: You're right. It doesn't matter how I feel now, she must die.

Corsac: Now then, I say we give them a little surprise.

He took a lantern that he used to guide them to their location, and then he threw it right outside!

Rachel: Let's seem how they'll fight in the flames!


You detected the smell of fire.


Lillith: Yes, I'll go and get help!

She created a portal to quickly get help!

Then you had something wrap around your neck, and-

(Y/N): AGH!!

Ilia used her weapon to drag you right into the flames!

(Y/N): You know, what you did was a bad move!

Ilia: Why is that?

You began eating the flames!

(Y/N): I can eat any element!

Ilia: WHAT THE?!

(Y/N): You done goofed!


???: ILIA!

Blake stopped her.

Ilia: B-Blake?

Blake: I'm sorry I left you, Ilia.

Ilia: Sorry? I- NO!! YOU KNOW WHAT?!

She electrocuted her!


(Y/N): BLAKE!!

You went to punch Ilia, but she used camouflage to hide!

(Y/N): Damn!

Then Rachel appeared and tried to slice you with blades that came out of her arms!

(Y/N): The hell?! What are you, a praying mantis?!

Rachel: Who else can do something like this?

(Y/N): Fair enough. The thing is-

She was hit by Maam's fist!

(Y/N): I always have backup!

Rachel: ARGH!! Damn it!

Maam: I understand that you and all of your kind have been through so much, but this isn't the way!

Rachel: Shut up! Don't thing you can understand us Human!!

She goes to swing her arm blades at Maam, and she kept countering with her punches and kicks!

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