Crisis on Avalice!

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Far off on another planet...

Far off on another planet

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Planet Avalice

On this once peaceful planet, a battleship arrives and invades the palace of the Kingdom of Shuigang!

A bunch of alien creatures in robotic suits begin their ambush on the palace guards.

A chopper then flies in and blasts them down, only for their leader to rush in for an attack!

???: HAHAHAHAHA! My turn!

He brandished a knife and slaughtered all of the forces with ease!

Arktivus Brevon (Alien Tyrant! Villainous conqueror and complete monster!)

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Arktivus Brevon (Alien Tyrant! Villainous conqueror and complete monster!)

Brevon and his soldiers marched towards the king.

King of Shuigang: How did this happen?! Our walls are impenetrable!

Brevon: Your floor isn't.

King of Shuigang: Well then, if death is what you seek, then I shall gladly provide it!

He took out a massive axe and prepared to swing it, only for Brevon to command his soldiers to fire, brutally injuring the King as he started to cough up blood!

King of Shuigang: DAMN IT! This can't be!

Brevon: Still willing to fight?

King of Shuigang: I will never give in to a madman like you!

Brevon: There's no reason for you to be this hostile your majesty. Actually, you should be proud. Your son is mere moments away from inheriting the throne.

King of Shuigang: What do- NO!! DAIL!!

The King's son, Prince Dail was seen kneeling in pain near a bunch of other soldiers.

Dail (Prince of Shuigang!)

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Dail (Prince of Shuigang!)

Dail: I'm sorry Father.

King of Shuigang: What do you want from us you bastard?!

Brevon: How should I explain this? I'm gifting your son with my knowledge. It will make him the most powerful ruler your world has ever known. And he will answer to no one-

He took out his knife, and-

Brevon: But me.

Brevon decapitated the King right in front of Dail's eyes!

Dail: N-No!! YOU MURDERER!!!

Dail charges at his father's killer, only for Brevon to punch him in the stomach and grab him by the throat!

Dail: AAAAGH!!

Brevon: Prepare the Snatcher.

A robot then enters the room and Dail can only scream as a sound is heard!


You and Team RWBY get ready as another location is unlocked!

Ruby: What's this one called (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Avalice.

Weiss: That sounds ... interesting.

Yang: Hey, this sounds like it'll be a blast! To another planet or something!

Ruby: Yeah, besides, it's not like this is the Empire. Or the war we did against the Church of Seiros.

Blake: Or Vearn and the Dark Army.

(Y/N): Exactly. Let's go!


A spaceship is seen crashing as Shuigang Choppers shoot it down!

Two girls see this from nearby!

Sash Lilac (Water Dragon! Formerly part of a group of thieves called the Red Scarves! She is a heroic dragon who usually rushes into danger without thinking first! Voiced by Dawn M

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Sash Lilac (Water Dragon! Formerly part of a group of thieves called the Red Scarves! She is a heroic dragon who usually rushes into danger without thinking first! Voiced by Dawn M. Bennet!)

Carol Tea (Lilac's Best Friend! She's a Wildcat who basically loves to live on the wild side! Quite a troublesome cat girl!)

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Carol Tea (Lilac's Best Friend! She's a Wildcat who basically loves to live on the wild side! Quite a troublesome cat girl!)

Lilac: What the?! Carol, did you see that?

Carol: Yeah. What's going on?

Lilac: Well, I'm going to see!

Carol: Can't you be Ms. Heropants some other time?

Lilac: Not a chance!

She used a move called Dragon Boost and burst off in the direction of the crashing ship!

Carol: Fine, I guess I'll go by myself. Yippie. Woo hoo.

She got on a motorcycle and took off in a different direction, but-

She heard a loud noise!

Carol: L-Lilac?! I ... I better go back and help.

She turned around and went in another direction.

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