Chapter 31

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Ayansh's POV

The drive to our warehouse is silent but my mind is a chaos of multiple thoughts. As I look out of the window while Kaushik drives, today's incidents come to my mind. I am relieved that we caught Mittal because I would not have been able to forgive myself if I had somehow let him go. I look at my phone as it pings with a message from one of my men saying that they have restrained him in our warehouse. I ask them to keep a close eye on him and make the necessary 'preparations'.

The road is rid of traffic and ours is the only car as its past midnight now. I look up in the sky adorned with stars and the moon. The moon. I sigh as my eyes stay on it but my mind goes back to HER.

She saved me from getting shot. In my desperation to get hold of Mittal I didn't even pay enough attention that I didn't realize I was being followed. A mistake that would've cost me a lot.

I close my eyes as my mind crafts the image of her standing with the gun. My gun. There was not even a hint of hesitation in her body language. The way she handled him was as if she was used to all of this. Used to this side of the world. But how is that possible?

If it were any other woman, she would've been afraid just at the sight of a gun. But her, I smile, she barged in like a storm and made that man fall on his knees. Hey eyes, her fire always amaze me. They make me want to burn in her fury. Burn for her. Till all that is left is just a flame, small yet potent. One stroke and she flares up again and leaves carnage in her wreck.

If she had taken even one second of hesitation or her aim had faltered, she would've been shot instead of me. Anger surges through me at the thought of her getting hurt and it makes me hate Dev Mittal with new found passion. 

Dev fucking Mittal. The man had unnerved me ever since we met in Udaipur. Even back then he had run his filthy mouth in front of her. HER. Somehow my thoughts always circled back to her.

Seeing her in that dress made me lose my control. She looked so elegant and full of grace. She is like glass, I think, delicate but lethal. Enchanting yet harmful. A perfect vision and a deadly hypnosis.

The way she looked at me when I asked her about her hand. Such vulnerability. She didn't even realize that she was showing it. Her eyes are her weakness. They tell the world, everything she is trying to hide. But they are also the most beautiful part of her.

I wanted to tear here dress and kiss her hard. My fists tighten as the sudden urge to touch her, feel her consumes me like before. Her body reacted so easily to me. Her fast breathing when I kissed her neck gave me a sense of joy I had never experienced before. Sure I have slept with women before but her, she somehow makes me feel things I've never felt before.

I had still somehow managed to reign my desires in but when she moaned. That sound unleashed the beast within me. I wanted to capture it. I wanted to kiss her hard and fast. I wanted to touch her for so long until all that comes from her mouth is that sweet sound. Again and again and again. I groan as the desire surges through my body and my pants now feel incredibly tight.

My chain of thoughts is broken as I see that we are nearing the warehouse.

Author's POV

Ayansh enters the cell as he sees a bruised up Dev Mittal trying to stand. He stalks forward and knees him in the stomach. Mittal falls down groaning. Blood runs down his nose and mouth. He spits at Ayansh's feet while Ayansh just smirks at him. The crazed look in his eyes makes Mittal gulp in fear.

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