Chapter 56

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My lovelly readers completed the target, so here we are :)

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Ayansh's POV

"What do you mean she saw it ? How much does she know?" Vivaan asks as I pace in my cabin. She is not answering the call, damn it. "Try again," Vivaan says, noticing my frustration. I dial again but she does not pick up. "I did tell you to talk to her about this. I told you to confide in her"  Vivaan looks at me pointedly and I let out a frustrated sigh.

I look down at the open file. If this is the only page she saw then maybe she doesn't know. But again that's a big 'what if'.

I have to talk to her.

Ishani's POV

I slam the door of my car hard as I head inside the house. My mother looks at me surprised, not expecting me to be here at this time. "Where is he?" I ask and she points to his study. She opens her mouth to speak but I go inside.

I barge inside his study and the door bangs loudly. "Who the hell" he shouts and his lips curl in distaste as he looks at me.

I stalk forward and his eyes fill with a tinge of fear.


"What the hell are you doing here?!" he shouts as he gets up. "Do not raise your voice at me" I grit out, my voice dark and he gulps. He looks at me cautiously and steps back a little. Seeing him afraid makes me so very happy. I smile internally.

"When you told me about the deal with Trilok Ranawat, you said you took the necessary precautions" his eyes narrowed "Then what the hell are you doing joining hands with Lokesh Khurana!!" I shout and my fist bangs the table. He flinches a little.

"What I do is none of your business" he says and I scoff. "It is my business when the man you are getting involved in this, is my soon to be father-in-law" I seethe.

"Even after everything that happened 8 years ago, you still have the audacity to even meet that man?!!" I snap. "I know you don't care about me. But do you feel nothing for your wife?!!" I shout and mild shock covers his face.

"Don't you care for her!! How can you be so inconsiderate of the woman who has stood beside you despite all the utterly nonsensical, immoral and illegal things you have done!! Do you have no shame!!" I shout and his eyes widen in anger.

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