Part 40

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Next morning everyone wakeup and get ready to going Black Moon Pack now all of them are in Palace hall.

Bora : Thanks to White Moon Pack Head alpha Luna and their sub leaders to taking care all of us.

Soyun : Our pleasure be safe Jeonghan Joshua don't trouble your Alpha.

Jeonghan and Joshua : We will not love you bye.

Soyun : Love you too.

Seungkwan : Mom dad bye love you.

Mr & Mrs Boo : Love you too Kwanie bye be safe.

Same with Wonwoo, Minghao and Chan.

Soyun : Jihoon thanks for accepting us your parents.

Jihoon : Mom I'm your child now so don't thank me bye take care yourself and Dad too.

Soyun : Okay my son she kissed Jihoon forehead.

Bin : Okay bye take care.

Seungcheol : Bye thanks once again.

Soyun : Mm but where is Hansol.

Bora : He said leave him alone.

Bin : Can I go and check him.

Bora : Brother no need he already get ready and sit in car sorry for his behaviour all.

Soyun : No it's fine he upset with his dad so leave him bye.

Everyone bid their goodbyes and walked to car Bora sit Hansol but Hansol doesn't speak any words he just staring the outside now car moved.

After 1 hours they reached their pack palace all of them are welcomed them Minjun is waiting in palace hall when they entered he see Hansol is the one who first coming he going to hug his son but Hansol move to side and going to his room directly without looking everyone Minjun looking his pup behaviour and realised what he did yesterday.

Bora : Sorry he is still upset.

Minjun : Okay I will talk to him now go and take rest all of you all to.

Everyone said "okay Alpha" and go to there room to take rest because they all are very terid.

Minjun go to his pup room and knock the door but Hansol doesn't respond.

Minjun : Bear...

Hansol : I don't want to talk with you now leave me alone or I will go anywhere.

Minjun : Okay bye.

Minjun left to his room and worriedly sitting in his bed Bora noticed and sit beside his Alpha.

Bora : He will come to you when his anger gone so don't worry mm.

Minjun : The situation is...

Bora : Don't worry everyone knows so let's sleep you also very terid.

Minjun nod and sleep in their bed other side JIHANCHEOL reached their room and falling in sleep.

Now it's afternoon everyone is wakeup and fresh up to eat lunch all are coming downstairs.

Jeonghan : Shua can you do favour for me?

Joshua : First tell me Hannie

Jeonghan : I have a project in English.

Joshua : What project.

Jeonghan : Telling one whole story in English so you know I'm not good in English.

Joshua : Okay I will help you but one condition.

Jeonghan : What condition.

Joshua : You have to Slap our alpha Hannie.

Jeonghan : Shua shut up are you out of your mind.

Hannie : Shua your human have no brain man.

Shua : I know but my fate I'm his wolf.

Joshua : Ya I'm not brainless.

Jeonghan : You are. Are you kidding us if I slap him then he will surely punish me i don't want to die early man.

Shua : Hey Josh are you idiot ni your really idiot if he know you talk like this then we are in hell man.

Joshua : I know but I want to slap him.

Hannie : Man I think I'm going to lost my brother Shua don't worry hyung will protect you.

Shua : Thanks hyung my stupid human.

The four of them are talking Seungcheol noticed his mates are talking and asking them what happened.

Jeonghan : Nothing Cheol.

Seungcheol : Okay eat .

Joshua : Mm strict Alpha.

Seungcheol : What?

Joshua : Heheee nothing.

Seungcheol hmmed and everyone eating their lunch expect Hansol all of them are worried but they didn't talk that topic.

Minjun : I talk with your principal he said tomorrow onwards you all should not take leave any day and going university daily and be ready to go university tomorrow.

Kids : Okay dad.

Minjun : After lunch Seungcheol,Jun, Soonyoung, Seokmin and Mingyu should go take training and Omegas stay here are going outside to see our pack village.

Kids : Okay Head Alpha.

Minjun : Soonyoung is everything okay you seems like lost .

Soonyoung : Han.. im.. okay Head Alpha...

Jihoon noticed Soonyoung but he doesn't speak to Soonyoung after the problem solved Soonyoung is lost in his memories Jun is the one comfort him Soonyoung dad also worried about his son because he knows how Soonyoung likes Jihoon but the fate.

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