Part 21

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Black moon and white moon pack members talking in cafeteria endlessly then the university bell rang all of them are get up to go their respective classes.

Joshua : Bye everyone see you all in lunch.

Jeonghan : Mee too bye by the way Tae where is Jimin.

Taehyung : He is with his mate Jeonghan you can get him in your department hallway because he is there.

Jeonghan : Thankyou Tae.

Now everyone out from the cafeteria Jeonghan going to his department and see his best friend his standing in hallway.

Jeonghan : Hey Chim come let's go after classes finished you can talk with your mate.

Jimin : Han okay Han come let's go bye hyung. Jimin mate is Suga.

Now Jimin and Jeonghan enter their classroom and takeing their seats.

Jimin : Mm your so lucky to have Seungcheol as your mate and your brother also with you for your long life.

Jeonghan : Yes and your mate also kind so shut up don't try to tease me Chim.

Jimin : Clam down Han.

Both of them are talking and laughing but suddenly someone entered the class and all of the students became silent.

The someone is Bong . Now Bong and Dong suspension time is over he also same class with Jeonghan and his twin brother same class with Joshua he going near to Jeonghan.

Bong : Jeonghan i need to talk to you so come let's go playground.

Jeonghan : I'm not coming and who are you to talk to me your not my friend and mate so everything is cleared Bong just stay away from my way.

Bong boiled in anger how can Omega disrespect him but he is controlling now because of their plan.

Bong : Jeonghan just give me 2 minutes.

Jeonghan : Sorry Mr.Kim do you can move frome here.

Bong lost his control and he loudly shouting.

Bong : How dare you disobey me KNEEL USELESS OMEGA he using his Alpha voice.

Some students are whimpering in Bong voice but Jeonghan he just calmly sit there.


Jeonghan : Slow down your voice Bong and I'm not useless omega you better go away from this area because if my alpha knows you are using your Alpha voice at me he will surely show the hell to you Bong.

Bong : Alpha what do you meant by your Alpha.

Jimin : Oh don't you see his neck he already mate with his Alpha so just shut your everythings Bong don't your dear friends told you both Jeonghan and Joshua are mated.

Bong couldn't know this in this one month Jeonghan and Joshua are mated and their plan is going to failure.

Jimin : Bong i think you should get your place before professor come.

Bong : Who is your Alpha.

Jeonghan : It's not for your business.

Bong try to ask again but their professor enter the class so they all seated their respective place Bong is very confused why his friends didn't told the matter to him and his brother and now the first class is over their second class free hour because their second class professor taking leave today so the class students getting out from. Jeonghan and Jimin going library to take notes for their exam Bong searching his best friend Yeong because he didn't see Yeong in first period but suddenly someone tap his shoulder.

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