Part 35

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Now Black Moon Pack members reached white Moon Pack forest they stay there to make plan to enter White Moon Pack palace.

Minjun : Chang, Sanghoon, Wook, Myung take your sons with you and entered in different four ways link with us. I'm going to enter infront of the palace you four have to silently kill the dark blood wolfs and rescue the white Moon Pack peoples safely. You all have to be careful and alert. Kids stay around with your dad's.

Kids : Okay head alpha.

Chang : Head alpha I think Myu g should first go and rescue White Moon Pack head alpha Luna Jihoon and sub leaders it's going to help us and we are getting strong.

Minjun : Okay but now everyone dismiss omegas you all have to stay with Bora.

Omegas : Okay.

Minjun : Okay let me move first and distract them okay.

Seungcheol : Dad atleast I will come with you.

Minjun : When I need you I will call you Cheol stay with your mom.

Bora : I know what he wants so please we also come with you.

Minjun : I don't know if anything happened to anyone of you then I will never like me so please stay here.

Bora : Alpha you also know what his demand is so I think we also come with you is best.

Seungcheol : Mom what are you talking about?

Bora : You will see when we entered in palace.

Minjun : Okay you me and our pups will go there but Omegas have stay here.

Jeonghan : Dad we also come with you please.

Joshua : Yes dad please.

Minjun : No it's dangerous for you all.

Wonwoo : Please head alpha.

The Omegas are pleased to Minjun he finally accepted and all of them are going to palace. Jang noticed and said to his garuds allow them inside. Now they all are in Palace hall.

Jang : Oh see who is come Welcome my dear friend Minjun.

Minjun : Don't call me as you friend now leave my friend and his pack.

Jang : Ha why so hurry?

Seungcheol : Leave them what you want?

Jang : Choi Seungcheol the future black moon pack head alpha I want your dad position and...

Bora : You never gone held my alpha throne.

Jang : Oh Honey how are you and don't raise your voice against you soon to be alpha.

This sentence makes Minjun Seungcheol and Hansol are angry and they want to kill the bastard very dangerously. Omegas are widen their eyes.


Jang : Low your voice Minjun don't you know your friend pack is under arrest in my gaurds.

Seungcheol : Leave them I dare to kill you infront of everyone if you leave th all them I will give your life to you.

Jang : Ha ha ha ha... you going to give my life first save your and your mate life.

Seungcheol eyes colour changed and he growled.


Jang : It's your last warning Minjun if any of you raise your voice against me then your friend pack is totally finished.

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