Part 30

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Seungcheol Jeonghan and Joshua are coming downstairs Bora looked them.

Bora : Jeonghan how was your night she is smriking.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol widen their eyes Jeonghan mind link with his brother.

Hannie : How mom know?

Shua : Seokmin said to mom.

Hannie : How Seokmin know?

Shua : They ask me where you both i said you too are sleeping and they know themselves.

Jeonghan glared his brother.

Bora : I ask question Jeonghan?

Jeonghan : Ha good mom.

Bora : Ohhh. I hope my son doing good.

Seungcheol : Mom.. what..

Bora : Shut up Cheol i know everything go eat your breakfast.

Seungcheol done with his mom.

Seungcheol : Hannie mom..

Jeonghan : It's okay.

Seungcheol : Okay come let's eat you will be hungry.

Jeonghan : Yes I'm so angry.

Seungcheol chuckled and take Jeonghan and Joshua into dinning table.

Joshua : I already ate so you both can eat I will serve food for you my brother and alpha.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol nod. Joshua serve food for them.

Time skip

Jeonghan is doing something in their bedroom but suddenly someone call him through in mobile.

Jeonghan : Hello mom.

Bora : Jeonghan come to downstairs please.

Jeonghan : okay mom he said and going out from their room.

When Jeonghan coming downstairs he saw Some new faces.

Jeonghan : Mom who are they?

Bora : Oh they are your personal gaurds .

Jeonghan : Mom I don't need them.

Bora : Jeonghan I know but as the Black Moon Pack future Luna you have to accept them.

Jeonghan : Mom but Hansol mate will be future Luna of Black Moon Pack me and Joshua are just temporary.

Bora : No we change the decision.

Jeonghan : But mom we are promised to our mom we find true alpha to lead white Moon Pack.

When the conversation going Soonyoung dad come and said.

Sanghoon : Luna head alpha called you and Jeonghan into meeting hall.

Bora : Okay we will come Sanghoon noded and going to meeting hall.

Jeonghan : Why suddenly dad called us.

Bora : You will see come let's go.

Both are going to meeting hall and bowed to everyone.

Minjun : Take your seats where is Seungcheol and Joshua.

Jeonghan : Seungcheol in training class Joshua in music class head alpha.

Minjun : Okay Chang(Jun dad) go and get them here.

Chang nod and going to get them here after sometime both are arrived in meeting hall and bowed to eachother and sat beside Jeonghan.

Minjun : Everyone is here right.

Everyone : Yes.

Minjun : Okay start the meeting.

Chang : Everyone thanks for coming to attend meeting. You all must be confused why sudden meeting but the meeting is very important so I hope everyone give respect to our head alpha so the meeting is Black Moon Pack and White Moon Pack who is going to be future leaders?

In metting room Black Moon Pack and White Moon Pack head alpha Luna and sub leaders and Seungcheol Jeonghan Joshua also there.

Seungkwan dad : We already taken the decision.

Minjun : Yes but our Wolf God and White Moon Pack late twin princess want to change our decision.

Everyone looking Minjun confusedly.

Bin : Yes Minjun is right yesterday.


Midnight 1 o clock Bin is wakeup to drink water but he heard someone is calling is name he straightly go to the direction and see his twin sisters are standing.

Bin : You both are here is it true or my dream.

Yoon Ara(Jeonghan mom) : Brother it's not your dream.

Hong Areum(Joshua mom) : Yes brother and we are here to told you very important matter.

Bin : What is the matter?

Ara : Brother we have to Change our decision.

Bin : What decision?

Areum : Brother me and Ara get promised from Jeonghan and Joshua we want good true and loyal leader to our pack.

Bin : Yes Uri Seungcheol is our pack future leader.

Areum : We know but we couldn't make Seungcheol as our Pack leader.

Bin : Why?

Ara : Because some evils are planning to attack Black Moon Pack so if we take Seungcheol to our pack then Black Moon Pack will be in dangerous if evils took black moon pack and other packs going to harm by the evils and in our rules if the Omegas are going to Luna they have to go and living to their alpha place so we couldn't make Seungcheol as our Pack leader.

Bin : Then who will take care our pack after i leave the position our sub leaders also have no alphas.

Areum : Yes you are right but we have solution.

Bin : What is the solution?

Ara : We couldn't tell you all so go and ask our wolf God brother bye we always here to protect our Packs. Both twins are said gone.

Bin confusedly thinking and try to sleep but he couldn't but someone touch his shoulder.

Soyun : Alpha what happened you look so confused.

Bin : Yes I'm he tell everything to Soyun what his sisters told to him.

Soyun : Alpha just sleep now we can tell everything to Minjun and Bora tomorrow morning so come let's sleep i couldn't sleep without you Bin chuckled and hugging his mate after some time passed they sleep.

Next morning Bin and Soyun explained everything to Minjun and Bora so Minjun decided to arrange meeting.

Flashback end.

They all are now confused.

Minjun : I know you all are confused but don't worry we can get solution from wolf God Chang arrange everything to go wolf God place a d everyone get ready sharply evening 9 o clock. They all nod and going to their respective works.

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