Part 3

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After one week

Now Hansol Seungkwan and Chan are friends because they are in their first year same class so three of them are good friends the 3 them are hanging out sometimes.

In the university, it's lunch time everyone was talking playing and eating Dark Blood Pack member Kim Bong and his twin brother Kim Dong both them are tease omegas and they controlled the omegas but they can't control White Moon Pack omegas because they know if they do they will be dead but they want to control the White Moon Pack omegas because the White Moon Pack omegas are beautiful and their pack leader sons very beautiful so they want Jeonghan and Joshua have to submitted for them but unfortunately that thing till now not happend because of Black Moon Pack members. So the twin brother plan something and they want White Moon and Black Moon Pack because the two Packs are number one so the Dark Blood Pack want their postions . So the twins  love Jeonghan and Joshua because of their beauty and their body not sincerely the both twins love them,but Jeonghan and Joshua never loved them but they keep trying.

Jeonghan and Joshua are walking to cafeteria but the Twins Kim Bong and Dong held their wrist in the sudden action Jeonghan and Joshua are scared after they see the bastard both of them angryliy seeing the Bong and Dong.

Jeonghan : Take off your hands Bong and Dong.

But Bong and Dong try to hug them before they could hug Jeonghan and Joshua both them are slapped the twin brothers. So now Bong and Dong are fumming in anger. Because Alphas never want to disrespect by the low gender peoples but the Omegas slapped them so they are angry of the omegas.

Bong : How dare you two slap me and my brother? He said with extreme anger.

So Bong and Dong use there Alpha voice to submitt the omegas now Jeonghan and Joshua are whimper and sake there legs sake and automatically both of them are kneel infront the the twin brothers.

Bong and Dong are lean to the omegas and they try to touch the omegas but before they could a loud growl is hear the block hallway the both twins hear the growl and see whose growl is after the see the person both twins are widen their eyes because the loud growl is Kim Bin wolf growl he want to visit their sons and pack members so he come to the University but when see his two sons are submissive to the bad alphas make him angry and he growled to protect their sons.

Kim Bin move forward to his both sons and said them to stand up both of them are stand up and he see how their sons are scared of the bad alphas. Now he see the twin brothers Bong and Dong he look them extremely angry he lost his control he try to attack them before he could his mate Kim Soyun come infront of him and released her secent to clam her mate and sons.

In University Principal room

Kim Bin is clam but not fully he complaint about the twin brothers now Kim Bin, Kim Soyun, Jeonghan, Joshua, Bong and Dong are there.

Principal : Sorry Kim Bin Alpha for your sons incident.

Kim Bin: You don't need to say sorry to me.
Suspension these bastards and not admission like these bastards. He said with angryliy. and you have to protect the omegas in this university. Give protection double or else I will destroy your university understand.

Principal : Sure Alpha I'm sorry this thing will never happened again.

Kim Bin : okay I want to talk to my sons and my pack members give me the permission.

Principal : Yes alpha you can. and you to Bong and Dong you both are suspension for university 1 month . And ask sorry to Kim Bin Alpha family

Bong and Dong are look at eachother and they angry at White Moon Pack members . Now both of them are keep silent and said sorry after that they are leaving the university now both of them are not come to university 1 month .

Jeonghan and Joshua are hug their father and mother and said thankyou to them. The whole university know about this incidents now omegas are so happy because Bong and Dong are suspended.

The White Moon Pack members come and greated their pack leader and his leader mate all of them are go nearby park and spend time talking randomly.

It's time to go the home and drom

Kim Bin : Don't be scared okay be strong I hope you both of them are soon to find your mates he said to his sons Jeonghan and Joshua happily.

Jeonghan and Joshua are nod and the other White Moon Pack members are said we will protect our Pack Alpha so don't worry they all said with confidently.

Kim Bin : Be ready tomorrow and all of you Pack your bags because I'm going to take you all to our pack because after one week Black Moon Pack leader Alpha son birthday and he going to find his mate and they invited as and some other Pack also so be ready tomorrow my sons and my pack members. Bye see you all tomorrow.

After that Kim Bin and his mate are leaving to their Pack. and white Moon Pack members also going to there drom.

(I want to tell something Kim Bin knows his friend sons and his Pack members also study there he said this there pack members and sons but they said no dad we will protect eachother don't tell to Black Moon Pack members so that's why they don't know eachother)

In White Moon Pack members drom
All of them are in Jeonghan and Joshua room to help to pack the twins bags except them all of them are pack their packs ownly these two take some rest because they are tired of the incident so their friends help them.

Chan : Hyung did you two visit Black Moon Pack? asked to Jeonghan and Joshua.

Jeonghan and Joshua said in unison no they never visit any other Pack because their father his very protect to his sons so that's but But Black Moon Pack is good pack but he don't want Kim Bin think if he take their sons to the Black Moon Pack he want to cross the forest if unexpectedly did something so he didn't not allowed his sons and also he didn't not allowed any of his Pack members going to other Packs. Because of the rule none of the White Moon Pack members visit other Pack.
So now all White Moon Pack members are excited to see new peoples and Packs.

Then how Kim Bin accept this time to visit the other Pack because his friend Choi Minjun said his pack strongest alpha come to take them safely to Black Moon Pack and after party the same alphas will safely back to them their pack so Kim Bin agreed with this.

Seungkwan : I'm so happy hyungs to visit Black Moon Pack my dad always said Black Moon Pack Alphas are so kind and they take care everyone nicely and I'm happy to visit my grandparents home woohoo

Wonwoo, Minghao,Chan also excited to visit their grandparents home they all being happy and pack the twins backpacks they all eating and bid their goodbyes to the twins and going to the respective rooms.

White Moon Pack members and Black Moon Pack members know about only they are from the pack but they don't know they are the sons of their pack leader and sub leaders.

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