Part 27

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Seungcheol take Jeonghan into their palace and comfort him after that Joshua heat start and Seungcheol take care him very well. Kids come from university and take break after that the alphas going to training except Hansol because he takeing rest in his room omegas played in palace the day end.

Next morning

Joshua heat is over so Seungcheol and Joshua going university but Hansol in  fever but it's better today so Bora said take rest well and go to university so Hansol agreed to his mom the kids are ready to going university. The parents bid their byes and kisses to their childs after sometime they all reached in University and sitting in cafeteria.

Mingyu : Coups hyung do you really going to fight with Bong?

Seungcheol : Yes how dare he use his Alpha power at my mate he said and his eyes colour changed.

Joshua : Cheol...

Seungcheol : Alpha baby I'm Your alpha...

Joshua : Sorry Alpha...

Coups : Shua Hannie come with me he said and get up from his seat.

Jeonghan and Joshua get up and following their alpha. They're now in Play ground Seungcheol look very scary.

Jeonghan : Alpha please clam down.

Coups : SHUT UP Jeonghan flinch at Seungcheol statement.

Joshua : Alpha please listen us...

Coups look his both mates and releasing he scared his mates so he control himself first and hug his mates.

Coups : Sorry mates.

Jeonghan : It's okay Alpha please don't fight with him just warn him if you lose your control we don't know what going to be happen so please alpha only talk with him.

Coups : Okay i will only talk to him promise okay. Jeonghan nod.

The three of them are waiting for Bong in playground because Bong mostly in Playground so that's why after 10 minutes Bong coming to playground the three noticed him and going near to Bong but Bong doesn't notice them.

Seungcheol : Bong

Bong : Oh Seungcheol... what you want?

Seungcheol : I want you and your brother have to stay away from my mates.

Bong : We didn't disturb them then why you tell this suddenly.

Seungcheol : Don't make me lost my control yesterday your the one use your power at my mate how dare you can do that?

Bong : Sorry Seungcheol I mistakenly do that you very know alphas never like when omegas doesn't obey to alphas so that's why I'm really sorry.

Seungcheol : You want me to reminder everytime they are my mate only obey to me he said loudly Say sorry to Jeonghan every one flinched.

Bong : Sorry I will never repeat that again sorry Seungcheol sorry Jeonghan.

Seungcheol : Good if you cross my line again then you will be dead, he said and going with his mates to classes.

Bong is scared of Seungcheol everyone laugh at Bong because it's first time he asked sorry to omegas Bong boiled in anger he don't want to ask sorry to them but if he disrespect Seungcheol then his pack will be face the war he know very well about Black Moon Pack head alpha because Minjun power is very high so he quietly planning big things.

Seungcheol drop his two mates in their department and he going to his department.

In Jeonghan class

Jeonghan going and sit beside Jimin

Jeonghan : Hey buddy did you finished your assignment.

Jimin : Yes Hannie .

Jeonghan : Why you look so tried ohh yesterday night mmm he said with Smrik.

Jimin : Shut up Hannie he blushing.

Jeonghan : Okay Man today is not our last week test result.

Jimin : Yes im 100% sure we are going to get first rank and Liya will be mad at us.

Jeonghan : I hate that bitch.

Jimin : Do you think I like her.

Jeonghan : Try then I will tell to Suga Hyung.

Jimin : Trickster.

Jeonghan : You fool.

Both of them are playing and the university bell rang their Teacher entered everyone greeting and take their seats.

Teacher : Students come and get your papers he said and reading students name the students going and get their papers the teacher distributed all papers and said "again the first rank is Yoon Jeonghan Second rank is Park Jimin and third rank Kim Liya" congratulations to the first three ranks everyone clapped but Liya angryliy looking Jeonghan and Jimin.

After that their class end and other two class is free period for them.

In Joshua class

Joshua going to his seat and see his best friend is not here still so he just sit and reading his book the bell rang and Taehyung happily entered his class Joshua notice his best friend smiling.

Joshua : Hey Tae why you look so happy today.

Taehyung : My Kookie kiss my cheeks Joshua he said and blushing.

Joshua : Ohhh first time I'm seeing alpha blushing he tease his best friend more.
Tell me what happened.


Purple moon pack members are entered in University and they all going to cafeteria but someone held Jungkook hand and asked him come with me Taehyung boiled in anger and punch the person. The person try to beat Taehyung but Taehyung won he  said to the person ask sorry to Jungkook and the person did and said I'm not going to repeat this again. Jungkook is happy because many people want Jungkook so that's why he is happy because someone is for him to save in his danger so cutely smiled and kissed Taehyung cheeks and said.

Jungkook : Thanks Taehyungie hyung. he said and kissed Taehyung and run to his class. Taehyung if frozen in his place.

Flashback end.

Joshua : Mm I hope your mate will be your Kookie now stop blushing concentrate on our project because we have only two days.

Taehyung : Yes.

Now it's lunch time so the black moon and white Moon Pack members are in cafeteria except Jeonghan.

Seungcheol : Where is Jeonghan?

Joshua : Cheol he said he had some work so he eat his food in his class so don't worry.

Seungcheol : Why he didn't inform me .

Joshua : He tell me to inform to you Cheol.

Seungcheol just nod and eat his food but suddenly Seungkwan shouted everyone choked their own food.

Joshua : WTF Kwan why you shouted suddenly we are closely sit with you then why.

Seungkwan : Sorry hyungs day of the tomorrow is Jeonghan hyung birthday i suddenly remembered.

White Moon Pack members looking at eachother because every year they planned everything before one week but they forgot this year.

Seungcheol : Jeonghan birthday nice officially one my mate going to accept me Joshua when is your birthday.

Joshua : December 30.

Seungcheol : Ahh I have to wait two months.

Soonyoung : Hyung official or unofficial that's not important they accepted you as their mate so stop sulking and plan Jeonghan hyung birthday.

Everyone laughed and thinking deeply how to suprise Jeonghan.

Seungcheol : Let's make party in our village park boys because Jeonghan like the place and I will give my gift after that party he said with Smrik alphas all of them also smirked.

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