Part 5

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White Moon Pack members arrived at Black Moon Pack palace the white Moon Pack members are widen their eyes to see the Black Moon Pack because it's different from their pack and it's bigger than their pack the all look the Pack palace like wow.Now it's evening also Black Moon Pack brightly coloured by the lights and it's make more beautiful to their pack.

The university in Black Moon Pack but it's exterior to the Black Moon pack but the palace is 10km distance away so no one couldn't see the pack so it's first for White Moon Pack members to see the Black Moon Pack.

Seungkwan : Hyung it's beautiful .

All of them are are nod and walking along with their pack leader.

Choi Minjun : Greated his friend and pack members also.

All of them are bowing and greated the Black Moon Pack lead alpha and the alpha mate and sub leaders also. All of them are greeting eachother.

Some packs also visited to the party.

Choi Minjun hugged his friend and welcome him to the party.

Bin : ' also hugged him ask' where is Seungcheol Min?

Minjun : He is with his brother and friends because they gave him small party.

Bin : Okay. I'm so happy our Seungcheol finally going to meet his mate.

Minjun  : Me to I hope my pack future Luna will be nice to my pack peoples.

Bin : Min your pack future Luna will be most nice full and great full person.

Minjun : I hope, and don't worry Your pack future leader also so grateful to your pack.

Bin : Yes I hope this year will be great year to our pack.

Minjun : Where is Jeonghan and Joshua?

Bin : Both them are with their friends and mother. I will call them.

Kim Bin called his mate and his sons and his sons friends also. He introduce all of them to Choi Minjun. Kim Soyun know Choi Minjun and Choi Bora because Soyun is Minjun sister and Bora is Bin sister. They are cousins.

Jeonghan, Joshua, Wonwoo, Xu Minghao, Seungkwan, Chan all of them are bow to their black moon pack leader and his mate Choi Bora.

Minjun and Bora : Jeonghan Joshua how are you? and my pack alphas white Moon Pack sub leaders how are you all?

They all widen their eyes how Black Moon Pack lead alpha know about them they all looking shock.

All of them are asking how you know as Minjun Alpha. I know you all whenever I visit your pack I see you all playing so I didn't disturb you all said by Minjun.

All of them are nod and smiled to him. Now the both friends are talking so many things same with Bora and Soyun. White Moon Pack members are enjoying the music in party and dancing. Party is not strat but music is on.

Now Black Moon Pack members are visiting their the pack lead alpha mother room Seungcheol and Hansol grandmother room. Their grandmother was just 1 week  discharged by hospital because she is sick by fever

Seungcheol  : Hello grandma how you feel now.

Grandma : I'm fine Cheol. Where is my baby bear?

Hansol : I'm here grandma come on grandma let's get out of the room to enjoy hyung birthday.

Grandma : ofcourse my baby bear you all go and enjoy I get ready and join the party soon.

Hansol : Hugged his grandma ok I'm waiting for you love you grandma.

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