Part 25

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The 13 of them are now in village Seungcheol forget to tell his mates their dad mom and white Moon Pack sub leaders are here because he only filtering with his mates🤣they all see around to what games they're going to play.

Hansol : Hyung can we all go rollers coaster ride.

Mingyu & Seokmin : Ya... You want we both have to die today. Everyone laughed.

Hansol : Mingyu and Seokmin Hyung please come for me.

Mingyu : Seungcheol hyung see Hansol going to kill me and my best friend he said tightly hug Seokmin.

Seokmin : Ya Hansol ah please leave us he also tightly hugging Mingyu.

After some Chaos both Mingyu and Seokmin agree to ride in roller coaster.
The 13 of them are getting in roller coaster three seat roller coaster so Seungcheol Jeonghan and Joshua are in Last seat Seokmin Mingyu Hansol in third seat Chan Seungkwan Wonwoo Minghao are in second seat Jun Soonyoung Jihoon in front seat they all are enjoying but Seokmin and Mingyu are screaming for their life Seungkwan also little bit scared but he enjoyed the ride.

After that ride they all going many rides and it's 8 o clock Back moon pack head alpha and Luna and sub leaders are coming to Village and white Moon Pack members also the 13 of them are eating ice cream and noticed their parents coming Jeonghan and Joshua run to their parents and hug them.

Jeonghan : Dad why didn't you tell to us you are coming today.

Bin : For Surprising you all but you two are sleeping when we arrived.

Joshua : Mm we are sleeping that means you all are reached in evening.

Soyun : Yes we arrived in 5.30 didn't Seungcheol told to you both we are here.

Jeonghan and Joshua said and asking Seungcheol why he didn't tell to them their parents are here.

Seungcheol : I'm sorry I forgot because of our...

Jeonghan and Joshua understand what Seungcheol going to say so the both are stopped Seungcheol and said it's okay.

Minjun : Let's go and cut the cake he said and walk forward.

Now Minjun and Bora cuting the cake and speech some things infront their pack peoples and enjoy the celebration everything is going well but suddenly Joshua felt pain in his body he knows his heat is coming he held Seungcheol hand tightly Seungcheol looked Joshua and understand his mate in pain he said to Jeonghan he going to their palace with Joshua ,Jeonghan nod and send them in car.

Seungcheol and Joshua reached in palace Seungcheol lift Joshua in bridal style Joshua whimpering in pain.

Joshua : Al~pha.. it's hurt please I need you...

Seungcheol : You have me baby but be patient for some minutes when we reach our room I will endure your pain.

Seungcheol opend their bedroom and put Joshua in bed and they make out. On other side everyone are enjoying their party and its end of the party they all eat and ready to go palace.

Soyun : Jeonghan where is Joshua.

Jeonghan : Mm mom he is in his heat so Seungcheol took him to palace. Soyun nod and they all are getting in car to going palace.

They all reached in palace and going to their respective rooms to sleep white Moon Pack members parents stay with their sons room so the all kids are happily sleep in their parents embrace , but one kid is not sleeping he wandering around in their palace kitchen it's none other than Black Moon Pack head alpha and Luna youngest son Hansol. Bora come to get water to their room but she saw her son is silently sneaking the fridge. She go near to her son and tap Hansol shoulder. Hansol turn around and see his mom his staring him he frozen in his place.

Hansol : Mo.m.. what are you doing in this time in kitchen.

Bora : My dear bear I'm the one going to ask this question to you tell me what are you doing here.

Hansol : Mom actually...

Bora : Hansol don't lie to me you know I don't like when peoples lie to me.

Hansol : Sorry mom I want chocolate so I come to get but you came suddenly.

Bora : Ohh then why are you sneaking like thief.

Hansol : Because of dad know I'm eating chocolate in late night he will really mad at me.

Bora : So you only scared of your dad not me.

Hansol : Ha.. your my beauty lady so you never scold me.

Bora : Hansol your right i never scold you so that's you are doing this she said in worried tone.

Hansol : Mom sorry i will never do this again and I'm being good son to you. Bora chuckled and kissed her youngest pup forehead.

Minjun was waiting for Bora to get water for him but his mate didn't come so he decided to come downstairs and see his mates and his youngest pup are eating chocolate together.

Minjun : The chocolate is delicious right.

Bora & Hansol : Yes but they frozend in their place see Minjun.

Bora : Ahh Alpha what are you doing here.

Minjun : I come to drink water, and Both of through the chocolate in dustbin and brush your teeths infront me.

Hansol : Dad.

Minjun : Do what is said Hansol. Both of them are nod and brushing their teeth infront Minjun after that Bora told everything to Minjun what happened Minjun warned them but chuckled at his youngest pup actions. Suddenly they heard someone coming downstairs and the person is Seungcheol.

Seungcheol : What are you all doing here in this midnight.

Bora : It's long story now why you here.

Seungcheol : I come to get some food for Joshua he slept but if he get up suddenly and ask me food so that's why I come and tell me the story why you three are here.

Hansol said everything to Seungcheol. Seungcheol Chuckled and ruffling his brother hair.

Minjun changed into his wolf formation and gave singnal to his family and the other also changed in wolf formation both Bora and Minjun embraced their pups im their arms.

Wolf conversation.

Min(Minjun wolf) : My dear mate and my pups shall we go to pack mountain to see today sunset and enjoy our nights there.

S.Coups : It's good idea dad but Joshua.

Cha(Bora wolf) : He will be alright so don't worry if he needs you he will link you so don't worry about him. S Coups nod and playfully crease head in his mom legs. Parents are bigger than sons. The four them are getting out from palace and going to their pack mountain after sometime they reached their pups happily run into water and enjoying Minjun and Bora adore their pups sitting infront the lake. Minjun lick his mate face they all are still in wolf formation after sometime their pups get tried and sleeping in ground Bora embraced his two pups with her body Minjun layed and cover his mate and pups fully and lick their foreheads.

Now it's going to sun rise Minjun wakeup and he wake up his mate pups the four them are watching sunset and peacefully adore the nature. After that they all reached in their pack palace and going to their respective rooms.

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