Part 44

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After Jun birthday all days going well and good for everyone but except our Soonyoung and Jihoon because after five days Soonyoung going to turn 18 so both are nervous and scared. Minghao stayed in Black Moon Pack because Jun want his mate to stay with him so Minghao also accepted and he is now Black Moon Pack future Sub leader mate that means he also important person in Black Moon Pack.

White Moon Pack members also stayed in Black Moon Pack because Soonyoung going to turn 18 everyone agreed and stayed but Bin and Wonwoo dad only move to their pack because what if again someone attacked them. Grandma some how convenience Hansol to stay here after Soonyoung birthday everyone going to return to their pack untill university going to open.

Time skip

Now it's night one day before Soonyoung birthday. Kids are gathered and planning how to Surprise Soonyoung other side Minjun arranged everything for Soonyoung birthday Jun take Soonyoung to their Pack park.

Mingyu : Hyung I'm going to prepare cake and Seokmin help me.

Seokmin : Sure buddy Hao can you join with us because we are in same age and we will make our bond special.

Minghao : Sure buddy.

Seungcheol : Okay you three go. Jihoon did you bought anything for Soonyoung.

Jihoon : No Hyung.

Seokmin : Hyung you know whatever we surprised Soonie Hyung he just want to your gifts then how can you said you not buy anything for him?

Jihoon : I forgot sorry guys mmm.. bye I'm sleepy.

Seungcheol : What's wrong with him he is the one always give plans to Soonie birthday but...

Seokmin : Cheol Hyung you know how Soonie Hyung like Jihoonie Hyung but now they are not talking just they acted infront others.

Jeonghan : What Soonyoung like Jihoon?

Mingyu : Yes hyung both are like eachother but they thought what if their friendship break because of their love and also don't know if they are destined mate or not so they hide their feelings.

Seokmin : Jihoon Hyung is very stubborn after Alpha Kim Bin and Luna Kim Souyun adopted Jihoon Hyung he never talk with Soonie Hyung like how they talk and fight before they adopted him.

Seungcheol : They are hurt but I don't know anything I'm bad friend.

Joshua : Cheol don't say like that your very good friend to all.

Seungcheol : If I'm good then I should understand my friends feelings.

Jeonghan : Don't think past just think about present okay I think we should plan something and get them together again.

Seungkwan : Hyung it's very late you know tomorrow is Soonyoung Hyung birthday what if Jihoon Hyung is not destined mate to Soonyoung  Hyung.

Chan : Yes Hyung and we have very limited time .

Seungcheol : Guys we have time tomorrow 9 pm Soonyoung going to find his mate so let's talk with Soonie and Jihoon I hope if we convenienced Jihoon then Jihoon will do other things and also if Jihoon is not Soonyoung mate then Soonie will reject his or her mate.

Wonwoo : Mm i think Cheol Hyung is right we should separate and talk with them.

Minghao : Yes.

Jeonghan : Me Joshua Wonwoo and Seokmin going to talk with Jihoonie, Mingyu ,Minghao prepare the cake , Seungkwan and Chan arrange everything to Suprise Soonyoung and Alpha you go a d talk with Soonyoung.

Everyone : Okay.

Joshua : Let's move on then.

Other side in Black Moon Pack park.

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