Part 26

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Seungcheol going to Jeonghan room and see Jeonghan is sleeping so he kiss mate forehead and leave the room now he going to his room and see Joshua is sleeping he chuckled at Joshua because Joshua hug Seungcheol shirt tightly Seungcheol going near to Joshua and kiss his mate forehead. Joshua wakeup in his Alpha scent.

Joshua : Alpha good morning.

Seungcheol : Good morning mate how you feel now?

Joshua : I feel better now.

Seungcheol : Mm God come let's take shower.

Joshua : Why this early morning i want to sleep more.

Seungcheol : You can sleep more after you eat something because yesterday night you didn't eat anything so come my naughty omega he said and pick Joshua in his arms Joshua giggled and hug his Alpha tightly both of them are getting shower.

Time skip it's breakfast time

Everyone gathered uh dinning hall but one person is not arrived it's none other than Hansol.

Bin : Let's eat kids are going late to their university.

Soyun : No wait for our bear.

Minjun : Why he is not coming? Bora where is Hansol see everyone is waiting for breakfast.

Bora : Let me go and see him you all can eat your breakfast. She said going to her youngest pup room. She entered his youngest pup room and see her pup is sleeping. Bora going near to her son and touch her son hand to wakeup but Hansol hand is heating she quickly touch his pup forehead and it's heating more so she getting out of room to going downstairs.

Everyone noticed Bora is coming alone.

Grandma : Bora where is bear?

Bora : He is suffering from fever his full body become more heat so call the doctor Chang Oppa.

Chang : Yes Luna.

Chang called their family doctor Minjun, Bora, Grandma, Soyun, Bin are in Hansol room. Bora is crying because her son is suffering from fever.

Soyun : Bora it's normal fever don't cry please.

Bora : It's normal fever but my bear in pain she said and crying more. Minjun hug his mate and said.

Minjun : Everyone please leave the room I will tell what doctor said now please leave
Grandma, Bin, Soyun leaving the room they also worried about Hansol.

Minjun : Shhh Bora don't cry our pup needs you if your weekly sitting in one place how our pup get well soon so don't cry he said and kissed his mate.

After 15 minutes doctor come and checked Hansol.

Bora : Doctor how is my pup.

Doctor : Luna don't worry our prince is alright he just affected by cold so that's why he is suffering from fever.

Minjun : Thankyou doctor yesterday night we are in mountain so that's why he getting cold i think I will take care him very well once again thankyou doctor.

Doctor : It's my pleasure head alpha. he said and leave the room.

Bora : Stay here Alpha I'm going to make soup for him. She said and ready to go but Soyun entered and asked what doctor said.
Minjun tell everything to bin, Soyun and Grandma.

Soyun : Stay here Bora I will make the soup.

Soyun coming downstairs to make soup for Hansol and the kids are waiting in dinning hall to know about Hansol condition.

Jeonghan : Mom how is Hansol ?

Soyun : He is better now so don't worry all.

Seungcheol : Okay mom I'm going to visit him.

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