Part 31

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Hey everyone I'm sorry if my story is not suitable for what my story title it's my first story and im not a writer first time im writing like this so I don't know how to write properly i just write like what comes to my mind. I like seventeen so much so i want to write ff about them in my own imagination i don't know how many peoples like my imagination story but i like my story and thanks to my readers i don't know if you all read all parts are not but im happy because some peoples saw my story and so manys are add my story in their reading list thank you very much and special thanks to SVTxBND she is the one help to reach my story this level thank you.

Now story time

Now it's time to go wolf God place so Black Moon and White Moon Pack head alpha Luna sub leaders and their all sons are ready to go wolf God place.

Minjun : Can we all change to our wolf formation and walking to our wolf God place.

Everyone agreed to Minjun and all are now changed to their wolf formation alphas are protecting omegas front and back Alphas in middle omegas. They all are walking to mountain after 20 minutes they reached.

This is one of the Black Moon Pack mountain and in this mountain their Wolf God is there (guys imagine like there's small temple and Wolf statue in the temple)

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This is one of the Black Moon Pack mountain and in this mountain their Wolf God is there (guys imagine like there's small temple and Wolf statue in the temple)

Temple is very cleaned and Chang (Jun dad arranged everything)

Hansol : Dad what we going to do?

Minjun : Bear you will know just wait.

Hansol : Okay.

They're now changed to their human formation.

Minjun : Everyone we are going to take very important decision so pray to our Wolf God in your bottom of hearts.

The kids didn't ask question they just started praying because they know their parents will send them lately.

They all are praying very truly so their Wolf God is ready to show infront of them the moon is glowing everyone opened their eyes in bright moon light. Now Wolf God is appeard infront them they all are bowed to their Wolf God very politely and respectfully. Wolf God blessing them.

Wolf God : Minjun my son why you called me?

Minjun : God You know everything want we want and what we going to ask you so help us God.

Wolf God : I will solve your problem and help you now ask me what you want?

Minjun : God he tell everything what Bin said to him kids are shocked at hearing what Minjun said. So what we going to do now who is going to be White Moon Pack future head alpha?

Wolf God : Yes what Ara and Areum said was true Bin.

Bin : Yes God.

Wolf God : You really taking good care your sisters son very well because of your good heart your pack is going to lead by very  good and very trustworthy person.

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