Part 34

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When white Moon Pack members arrived in their pack they see their pack village peoples are not in outside Bin think something is suspicious so he said to drive stop the car and come out the sub leaders also come out from the car.

Wonwoo dad : What happened head alpha?.

Bin : Something is suspicious in our pack i think?

Seungkwan dad : Why you think like that head alpha?.

Bin : See our village peoples are not romaing in outside and also our pack is very silent usually our pack everytime I come to Village they all welcome us so that's I think something is wrong.

Minghao dad : I also think same. Can we go to our palace and ask their peoples what happened?

Bin : Yes your right now all go get on the car.

Everyone get in their car and going to palace when they reached they all head to inside place but they stopped when their eyes meet infront of them. Bin growled everyone scared at the growled his eyes colour changed.


Jang : Clam down Bin or else your pack peoples will be died infront you.

Bin : Leave them what you want and how you enter in my pack?

Jang : Oh how I entered mmm..


When the white Moon Pack members are stayed in Black Moon Pack one of the White Moon Pack people tell this information to Jang, so Jang decide to sneaking in white Moon Pack and planing to take Bin position after that he going to attack Black Moon Pack this is Jang plan the White Moon Pack one of the village people help Jang to enter in White Moon Pack. Jang entered in white Moon Pack and attacked alphas and arresting omegas and make them all in white Moon Pack palace and lock them all in one biggest cell he doesn't give foods to them so everyone condition is very bad so that's the pack is so silent when Bin and White Moon Pack members entered their palace they see Jang tied their some pack peoples infront of rogues. Other peoples are in basement of palace.

Flashback end.

Jang : Oh that's how I entered Kim Bin.

Bin : They all are innocent leave them Jang.

Jang : I will leave them but I have conditions.

Bin : What conditions.

Jang : First you have to give your postion to me , next your pack omegas have to submit to my pack alphas .

Bin growled and said " don't you dare"

Jang : Then I will kill your pack peoples.

Bin : No please.

Jang : Then hear my conditions.

Bin : Continue.

Jang : Your so called cousin brother your friend Black Moon Pack head alpha Choi Minjun have to kneel infront of me and beg to me for running my life infront of everyone and your twin sisters sons have marry my sons this is my condition.

Bin : I can give my position to you but other condition no.

Jang : Then say bye to your pack.

In this conversation White Moon Pack sub leaders their mates Soyun and Jihoon are silently stand because they know if they move wrong there will be big mistake so that's why.

Bin : Leave my peoples JANG.

Jang : Oh you couldn't listen me right so gaurds arrest them .

Dark blood pack gaurds are coming near to them all Sub leaders ready to fight but Bin Stop them.

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