Introduction of White Moon Pack

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White Moon Pack Leader the alpha Kim Bin and his mate omega Kim Soyun they don't have son or daughter in their pack they have some alphas as a sub leaders because their back don't have future leader so Kim Bin have twin sisters his sisters mates also in their own pack so his sisters are stayed with the pack palace his both sisters have their sons but they are also omega his Sister sons name are Yoon Jeonghan and Hong Jisoo Joshua. But Jeonghan and Joshua in their 5 age they lost their parents because their pack attacked by rogues.
Rogues are werewolves that have either been kicked out of their pack or left on their own free will. Rogues don't have a set appearance apart from in their wolf form, they have long fur. They also have a bad odour radiating from their bodies.
The white Moon Pack his trustworthy pack  but some wolfs are backstab their own pack so the leader alpha Kim Bin know about and he kicked the wolfs and the wolfs wait for revenge and attacked because they said  they will hold the leader place so they rogues are attacked and their pack leader and his sisters and their mates are trying hard to secure the pack but at the end the pack leader Kim Bin lost is twin sisters and his sisters mates the try to kill their sons but they are save their sons and the both sisters and their mates sacrificed their life for their sons Kim Bin sisters told to his brother he have to save their sons their sons mate will be the future pack leader of the white Moon Pack they wish to his brother. After that Black Moon Pack members secured white Moon Pack also.The black moon pack leader Choi Minjun send their trustworthy alphas to their pack to secure them and the alphas are find their mates in the white Moon Pack and they are permanently stayed in the white Moon Pack they have sons their name are Jeon Wonwoo,Xu Minghao,Boo Seungkwan,Lee Chan. Kim Bin take care his twin sisters child's and he and his wife happy with their sisters child's they take care them as their own sons and their pack sub leaders son and his son are so close

Black moon pack and White Moon Pack are friends because their pack leader alphas are childhood friends and they are cousins.

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