bestfriend to enemies to lovers .. 🪐 part 2

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Years passed, and as they stood on the cusp of adulthood, Matt and Y/N faced their biggest milestone yet: graduating from college. Their journey through university had been a whirlwind of growth, challenges, and countless memories. Now, at the age of 22, they were about to step into the next chapter of their lives, their bond stronger than ever.

The graduation ceremony was a grand affair, held on a beautiful spring day. The campus buzzed with excitement as students in caps and gowns filled the auditorium, eager to receive their diplomas. Matt and Y/N sat together, their hands intertwined, as they waited for their names to be called.

"I can't believe we're finally here," Y/N whispered, a mixture of excitement and nervousness in their voice.

Matt squeezed Y/N's hand, smiling reassuringly. "We've worked so hard for this. And we've done it together."

As the ceremony progressed, they watched their friends cross the stage, each moment bringing them closer to their own turn. When Y/N's name was called, Matt cheered loudly, his heart swelling with pride. Y/N walked across the stage with a radiant smile, accepting their diploma with grace.

Then it was Matt's turn. As he crossed the stage, Y/N's applause echoed through the auditorium, filled with love and admiration. When Matt returned to his seat, Y/N hugged him tightly, their joy and relief palpable.

After the ceremony, they joined their families and friends for a celebration on the campus green. Laughter and congratulations filled the air as they posed for photos, reminisced about their college years, and talked about their future plans.

Later that evening, Matt and Y/N found a quiet spot under an old oak tree, a favorite place where they had often studied together. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the campus.

"Do you remember when we first started college?" Y/N asked, leaning against Matt's shoulder. "We were so unsure about everything."

Matt chuckled, wrapping his arm around Y/N. "Yeah, but we figured it out. Together."

Y/N nodded, their eyes reflecting the sunset. "And now we're here, about to start a new chapter. I couldn't have done it without you, Matt."

"Same here," Matt said softly. "You’ve always been my rock, my inspiration. I can't imagine my life without you."

Y/N looked up at Matt, their eyes shining with emotion. "What do you want our next adventure to be?"

Matt thought for a moment, then smiled. "I think we should take a trip, just the two of us. Explore the world a bit before we dive into our careers. We've earned it."

Y/N's face lit up. "That sounds perfect. Where should we go?"

"Anywhere and everywhere," Matt said, pulling Y/N closer. "As long as we're together."

They spent the next few weeks planning their adventure, booking flights, and mapping out their journey. They decided to travel through Europe, starting in Paris and making their way through Italy, Greece, and beyond. It was a dream they had shared for years, and now it was finally coming true.

Their trip was a whirlwind of breathtaking sights, delicious food, and unforgettable experiences. They explored ancient ruins, wandered through art museums, and soaked in the vibrant cultures of each city they visited. Through it all, their love only grew deeper, strengthened by the adventures they shared.

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