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Hi ! I'm the author's cousin, I'll will try my best though

Matt was jolted awake by the shrill cry of baby Y/N. His heart raced as he stumbled out of bed, barely conscious of the early morning light filtering through the curtains. Today was his first full day alone with Y/N, and he felt both excited and apprehensive. He tiptoed into the nursery, where Y/N's tiny face was scrunched up in distress.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Matt cooed, gently lifting Y/N from the crib. The baby's cries softened to whimpers as Matt held them close, their small body warm and delicate against his chest. He rocked them gently, whispering soothing words, and felt a sense of calm wash over him as Y/N's cries subsided.

The morning passed in a blur of diaper changes, feedings, and nap times. Matt discovered that Y/N had a particular fondness for the rocking chair by the window. He spent hours there, cradling Y/N and humming lullabies, feeling a deep connection with the tiny human in his arms. Y/N's little fingers would clutch at his shirt, their eyes fluttering shut as they snuggled into his warmth.

By midday, Matt decided it was time for a walk. He bundled Y/N into a cozy onesie and carefully placed them in the stroller. The fresh air seemed to delight Y/N, who gurgled happily as they explored the neighborhood. Matt found himself talking to Y/N about everything they saw—the blooming flowers, the friendly dogs, the children playing in the park. He marveled at how something so simple could bring such joy to both of them.

As the afternoon sun began to wane, Matt returned home, where he prepared a small bottle for Y/N. Settling back into the rocking chair, he fed Y/N, who gazed up at him with wide, trusting eyes. The bond between them felt unbreakable, and Matt's heart swelled with love and pride.

Later, as the day turned to evening, Matt prepared Y/N for bed. He bathed them gently, wrapped them in a soft towel, and dressed them in their favorite pajamas. Sitting in the rocking chair once more, he held Y/N close, feeling their warmth and hearing their gentle breaths.

Y/N's eyes fluttered shut, their tiny body relaxed and content. Matt continued to rock them, the room filled with a peaceful silence. He knew that today had been a day of discovery, not just for Y/N but for himself as well. He had learned the depth of his love and the comfort he could provide.

As night fell and Y/N slept soundly in their crib, Matt felt a profound sense of fulfillment. He realized that the comfort and warmth they found in each other were mutual, creating a bond that would only grow stronger with time. And as he tiptoed out of the nursery, Matt knew he was already looking forward to their next day together.

In the stillness of the night, a faint whimper echoed through the baby monitor. Matt stirred, the sound pulling him from the depths of sleep. He listened closely, recognizing the escalating cries as Y/N’s discomfort. He quickly threw on his robe and padded down the hall to the nursery.

Opening the door, Matt was greeted by Y/N’s red, tear-streaked face. The air was filled with a distinctly unpleasant odor, and he realized what had happened. Y/N had woken up because they had pooped and were now thoroughly uncomfortable.

“Hey, little one,” Matt whispered, scooping Y/N up gently. “Let’s get you all cleaned up, okay?”

Y/N’s cries softened as they felt Matt’s comforting embrace. He carried them to the changing table, moving swiftly but tenderly to remove the soiled diaper. Matt hummed a soft tune, trying to keep Y/N calm as he worked. The task was messy, but Matt handled it with surprising deftness, his hands steady and sure.

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