my world '' part 3

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Part 3!

As the days passed, Y/N's condition gradually improved. The medications and treatments administered by the medical staff had begun to take effect, easing her discomfort and alleviating her symptoms. Despite the progress in her recovery, however, one thing remained constant – Y/N's unwavering desire to be with Matt, her beloved big brother.

No matter where they were – in the hospital room, the waiting area, or even during visits to the hospital garden – Y/N would always seek out Matt, clinging to him as if he were her lifeline. She found comfort in his presence, his familiar scent and soothing voice providing her with a sense of security amidst the sterile hospital environment.

At night, when the lights were dimmed and the hospital corridors grew quiet, Y/N would insist on sleeping on Matt's chest, her small body curled up against his, her tiny hand clutching his shirt tightly. Matt, ever the devoted big brother, would hold her close, his heart swelling with love and protectiveness for his baby sister.

Marylou and Jimmy watched with fondness as Y/N snuggled into Matt's embrace, their hearts filled with gratitude for their son's unwavering devotion to his sister. They knew that there was no greater comfort for Y/N than being with Matt, her trusted guardian and source of solace during her time of need.

The days turned into weeks, and with each passing moment, Y/N grew stronger and more resilient. With Matt by her side, she faced the challenges of her recovery with courage and determination, her spirit undiminished by the ordeal she had endured.

As they prepared to leave the hospital and return home, Marylou and Jimmy marveled at the bond that had formed between Matt and Y/N during their time in the hospital. They knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, their family would always be united by love and a shared sense of purpose.

And as they walked out of the hospital together, with Y/N nestled in Matt's arms, they knew that their journey was far from over – but with each other's love and support, they were ready to face whatever the future held.

As the family prepared for their upcoming tour to meet their fans, there was a mix of excitement and apprehension in the air. Matt, Chris, and Nick were busy packing their bags and double-checking their schedules, while Marylou and Jimmy made arrangements for Y/N's care during their absence.

With Y/N still recovering from her illness, they knew that she needed extra attention and care. After much consideration, they decided to enroll her in daycare for the duration of the tour, where she would receive the specialized care and attention she needed.

On the morning of their departure, as the family gathered in the living room, Y/N looked around with confusion. She sensed that something was different, but she couldn't quite understand what was happening.

Marylou knelt down beside her, gently stroking her hair. "Y/N, sweetie, Mommy and Daddy have to go on a trip for a little while to meet some special friends," she explained softly. "But don't worry, we've arranged for you to go to daycare, where you'll have lots of fun and make new friends too."

Y/N's brow furrowed in confusion, her eyes searching Marylou's face for reassurance. She wasn't quite sure what daycare was, but she trusted her parents to do what was best for her.

Matt, seeing Y/N's uncertainty, knelt down beside her, offering her a reassuring smile. "Hey there, little sis," he said gently, taking her small hand in his. "Don't worry, daycare is a place where you can play and have fun with other kids while Mommy and Daddy are away. And I promise, we'll be back before you know it."

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