little sister

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Characters -

Y/n : 1 month old
Nick : 7 years old
Matt : 7 years old
Chris : 7 years old

There will be 2 years mentioned (2010 and 2024)

Context : y/n is their little sister who just exist in there life in 2010, her favourite brother is matt and Nick when she was a baby until now.


### The Bond of Brothers


In a quaint suburban neighborhood, three seven-year-old boys named Nick, Matt, and Chris eagerly awaited the arrival of their new baby sister. The anticipation had been building for months, and now, the day had finally come. As their parents brought Y/n home, the boys crowded around her crib, their eyes wide with wonder.

"She's so tiny!" Nick exclaimed, gently touching her little hand.

"Look at her, she's smiling!" Matt added, beaming with pride.

Chris, usually the most mischievous of the trio, stood quietly, captivated by the new addition to their family. He knew things would be different now, but he couldn't quite grasp how much this little baby would change their lives.

As the days turned into weeks, Nick and Matt took on the roles of doting older brothers. They would sit by Y/n’s crib, making funny faces and noises, trying to make her laugh. Y/n, in her own baby way, seemed to respond more to Nick and Matt’s antics than to Chris's.

One evening, as their mom prepared dinner, the boys played in the living room. Y/n, lying on a blanket surrounded by soft toys, cooed happily. Nick and Matt were busy building a tower with colorful blocks, and every now and then, they would turn to check on their little sister.

"Do you think she likes us?" Nick asked Matt, glancing at Y/n.

"Of course she does! Look how she smiles when we're around," Matt replied confidently.

Chris, feeling a bit left out, decided to join in. He picked up a toy rattle and gently shook it in front of Y/n. She stared at him, her big eyes wide with curiosity, and for a moment, Chris thought he saw a flicker of a smile.


Fourteen years later, the once tiny baby was now a vibrant fourteen-year-old girl. Y/n had grown up surrounded by the love and protection of her three older brothers. Nick, Matt, and Chris, now twenty-one, were still as close as ever.

Nick had become the reliable and responsible older brother, always ready with advice or a helping hand. Matt, with his infectious humor and easygoing nature, had maintained his position as Y/n’s favorite. Chris, despite feeling overshadowed in the early years, had grown into a supportive and caring brother, finding his own unique bond with Y/n.

On a warm summer day, the family gathered in the backyard for a barbecue. Y/n sat at the picnic table, laughing at one of Matt’s jokes while Nick flipped burgers on the grill. Chris was setting up a game of badminton, determined to get everyone involved.

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