little sturniolo '' part 2

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Part 2

After her refreshing bath, Y/N was snugly wrapped in a soft towel and settled on the couch. Her curious eyes roamed the room until they landed on Matt's phone, which he had carelessly left within her reach.

With a mischievous grin, Y/N reached out with her tiny hands and managed to unlock the phone, accidentally navigating her way to the contacts. Before anyone could notice, she had somehow managed to call Chris, who was relaxing in his bedroom.

Chris’s phone buzzed, and he saw Matt's name on the screen. Puzzled, he answered, "Hey Matt, what's up?"

Instead of Matt's voice, he was greeted by the sound of Y/N's delighted babbling. "Ba-ba-da-da!" she gurgled happily into the phone, her tiny fingers tapping at the screen.

Chris laughed in surprise, realizing what had happened. "Well, hello there, Y/N! Did you call me all by yourself?"

In the living room, Matt noticed his phone was missing. "Where's my phone?" he muttered, looking around until he saw Y/N holding it with a proud expression.

"Y/N, what are you up to?" Matt asked with a chuckle, gently taking the phone from her.

"Matt, it’s Chris. Y/N just called me from your phone," Chris's voice came through the speaker, amused.

Matt laughed as he put the phone on speaker so Y/N could hear. "Looks like our little tech wizard figured out how to make a call. You’re full of surprises, aren’t you, Y/N?"

Y/N continued to babble into the phone, seemingly enjoying the attention. Her brothers gathered around, marveling at her cleverness and enjoying the lighthearted moment.

Chris’s laughter echoed through the phone. "Well, I guess we know who to call when we need a tech expert. Good job, Y/N!"

As the Sturniolo Triplets shared this endearing moment, they felt an overwhelming sense of joy and connection. Their hearts warmed with love for their baby sister, who never ceased to bring laughter and surprise into their lives. With each passing day, they cherished the memories they created together, knowing that their bond as a family was unbreakable.

Y/N, ever curious and full of energy, decided it was time for another adventure. She began to crawl towards the stairs, her tiny hands and knees propelling her forward with determination. Matt, Chris, and their mom watched her go, ensuring she was safe as she made her way up the stairs.

Once at the top, Y/N made her way down the hallway and into Nick's room. The door was slightly ajar, allowing her to peek inside. She spotted Nick sound asleep on his bed, completely oblivious to the world around him.

With a giggle, Y/N crawled into the room, her eyes wide with wonder as she approached Nick's bed. Using all her strength, she pulled herself up to a standing position by gripping the edge of the bed, her head barely peeking over the mattress.

Nick, sensing a presence, stirred slightly but didn't wake up. Y/N, undeterred, reached out and gently patted Nick's arm with her tiny hand, her touch light as a feather.

Nick's eyes fluttered open, and he looked down to see Y/N's smiling face staring up at him. He blinked in surprise, a sleepy smile spreading across his face. "Well, hey there, little one," he mumbled, his voice still groggy from sleep.

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