he's my brother idiot part 3!

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Part 3..

As Y/N joined me in front of the camera for the vlog, I could sense the exhaustion weighing heavily on her young shoulders. Despite her efforts to put on a brave face, it was clear that she was struggling to muster up the energy to be her usual cheerful self.

"Hey, everyone," I began, addressing the camera with a warm smile. "Today, I've got a special guest with me—my amazing little sister, Y/N."

Y/N managed a weak smile, her eyes betraying the fatigue she was feeling. "Hi, everyone," she said softly, her voice lacking its usual enthusiasm.

I could tell that Y/N was doing her best to participate in the vlog, but it was clear that she was feeling drained and overwhelmed. As her older brother, I felt a pang of guilt for putting her in this position, knowing that she was only 14 and already dealing with so much.

"Y/N, how about we do something fun to lift your spirits?" I suggested, trying to lighten the mood. "How about we do a little Q&A with our viewers? They always have such interesting questions."

Y/N perked up slightly at the suggestion, the hint of a smile returning to her face. "Sure, that sounds fun," she agreed, her voice still tinged with exhaustion.

As we began to answer questions from our viewers, I did my best to keep the mood light and upbeat, throwing in jokes and playful banter to make Y/N smile. And slowly but surely, I could see her spirits begin to lift, the weariness in her eyes replaced by a glimmer of happiness.

As the vlog came to an end, I wrapped my arm around Y/N's shoulders, pulling her close in a gesture of love and support. "You did great, Y/N," I said, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "I'm so proud of you."

Y/N smiled up at me, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thanks, Matt. I'm just really tired, but I'm glad we did this."

With that, we said our goodbyes to the camera, ending the vlog on a positive note. And as we turned off the camera and settled in for some much-needed rest, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond I shared with my little sister, knowing that no matter what challenges we faced, we would always be there for each other, supporting and uplifting one another every step of the way.

The next day..

As Y/N made her way slowly through the crowded hallways of the school, her injured ankle throbbing with each step, she felt a sense of vulnerability that she hadn't experienced before. She was still in recovery, and every movement sent a sharp pang of pain shooting up her leg.

Suddenly, without warning, she felt a forceful push from behind, causing her to stumble forward and let out a hiss of pain. Her heart raced as she struggled to regain her balance, her injured ankle protesting with each movement.

Turning around, Y/N's heart sank as she saw the group of bullies snickering nearby, their faces twisted with malice. Anger bubbled up inside her, but she knew she couldn't afford to lash out. Not now, when she was still in recovery and vulnerable.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Y/N forced herself to ignore the taunts and jeers from the bullies, focusing instead on putting one foot in front of the other as she continued on her way. But the encounter left her shaken and wary, her confidence shaken by the reminder of the cruelty that lurked in the halls of her school.

Matthew Sturniolo Imagines Where stories live. Discover now