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It's author cousin :-

Title: Dorm Drama

Y/N was excited yet nervous as she stepped into the prestigious private school's dormitory. She had heard tales of the luxurious accommodations and the tight-knit community that thrived within its walls. But little did she know, her life was about to take an unexpected turn.

As she entered her assigned room, she froze in disbelief. Standing there, smirking with a mischievous glint in his eyes, was none other than Matt Sturniolo – her arch-nemesis since the first day of freshman year.

Y/N's heart sank. She had hoped for a peaceful start to her new school year, but fate seemed to have other plans. Matt, with his arrogant demeanor and penchant for causing trouble, was the last person she wanted to share a living space with.

Despite her initial shock, Y/N squared her shoulders and decided to make the best of the situation. After all, she wasn't going to let Matt ruin her entire year.

The first few weeks were tense, to say the least. Y/N and Matt avoided each other as much as possible, only exchanging curt nods in passing. But as time went on, they found themselves begrudgingly getting to know each other.

Surprisingly, they discovered they had more in common than they had ever imagined. Both were passionate about debate and had a knack for academic excellence. Slowly but surely, their animosity began to thaw, replaced by a begrudging respect for each other's abilities.

One fateful night, during a heated debate over the best study techniques, something shifted between them. As they argued back and forth, their competitive spirits ignited a spark of something else – something neither of them had expected.

Before they knew it, their bickering had turned into playful banter, and laughter filled the room. Y/N realized that maybe, just maybe, Matt wasn't the enemy she had always believed him to be.

From that day forward, Y/N and Matt became unlikely allies, supporting each other through the challenges of school life and forming an unbreakable bond. And as they stood side by side at graduation, looking back on their tumultuous journey, they both knew that sometimes, the people you least expect can end up becoming your closest friends.

As the night wore on, Y/N couldn't shake off the exhaustion that had settled in her bones. She glanced over at the single bed in the room, her heart sinking at the realization that there was only one bed for both of them.

Matt noticed her hesitation and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I know this isn't ideal," he began, his voice surprisingly soft. "But we'll have to make do until we can sort something out with the administration."

Y/N nodded, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She couldn't deny that the idea of sharing a bed with Matt made her uneasy, but at the same time, she was too tired to argue. With a resigned sigh, she decided to take the plunge.

As she settled onto the edge of the bed, Matt cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, I can take the floor if you want. It's no problem."

Y/N shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's fine, really. We'll just have to make do for tonight."

With that, they both settled into bed, their bodies tense with the awkwardness of the situation. But as exhaustion finally overtook them, they found themselves drifting off to sleep, the tension between them slowly dissipating with each passing moment.

In the quiet of the night, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Matt. Despite their differences, he had shown her kindness in a moment of vulnerability, and for that, she was grateful.

As sleep claimed her, she made a silent vow to herself – perhaps, just perhaps, her enemy could become something more than that.

The end, sorry for short!

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