he's my brother idiot! part 2

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Part 2!

Despite her efforts to stay out of the spotlight, Y/N couldn't completely escape the cruelty of some of her classmates. The bullying had persisted, and now it was becoming even more vicious. One afternoon, as Y/N was walking to her locker, she noticed a group of girls snickering and whispering while pointing at her.

Jessica, the leader of the group, approached Y/N with a mocking smile. "Oh look, it's Y/N, the wannabe celebrity. Decided to come out of hiding?"

Y/N tried to ignore her and continue to her locker, but Jessica stepped in front of her, blocking her path. "What's the matter, Y/N? Too good to be in your brother's vlogs now? Or did you finally realize no one wants to see you?"

Before Y/N could respond, another girl chimed in. "Yeah, we all know you're just a pathetic leech trying to ride on Matt's fame."

Jessica laughed and then did something that crossed a line. She grabbed Y/N's backpack and dumped its contents onto the floor. "Oops," she said with fake innocence. "Better pick that up."

Y/N's face flushed with embarrassment and anger. She knelt down to gather her things, but the girls continued to taunt her, kicking her books away as she tried to collect them. The hallway was filled with laughter and cruel comments, and Y/N felt tears stinging her eyes. She couldn't take it anymore.

With her belongings scattered and her spirit crushed, Y/N ran out of the school building, not caring where she went. She ended up in a nearby park, sitting on a bench and letting the tears flow freely. She felt utterly defeated and alone.

Meanwhile, Matt was at home editing a video when he got a call from the school. His heart sank as he listened to the principal explain what had happened. He immediately called his parents and then set out to find Y/N.

When he finally found her in the park, sitting on the bench with her head in her hands, he approached her gently. "Y/N," he said softly, sitting beside her, "I'm here. What happened?"

Y/N looked up, her face streaked with tears. "It was Jessica and her friends. They said horrible things, and then they dumped my stuff all over the floor. I just couldn't take it anymore."

Matt's heart broke for his sister. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. You don't deserve any of this. We'll figure it out together, okay? Let's go home."

Back at home, their parents were waiting, worried and ready to support Y/N in any way they could. They sat down together in the living room, and Y/N recounted the day's events through her tears.

"We need to do something about this," their mom said firmly. "This has gone too far. We need to talk to the school and make sure they take this seriously."

Matt nodded in agreement. "And Y/N, if you want to take a break from school again, that's completely okay. Your mental health comes first."

Y/N wiped her tears, feeling a small sense of relief from her family's unwavering support. "I don't know what to do. I just want the bullying to stop."

"We'll talk to the school and demand that they take action," their dad said. "And we'll look into other options for your education if that's what you need."

The next day, Y/N's parents met with the school principal and demanded a thorough investigation into the bullying incidents. They emphasized the severity of the situation and the impact it was having on Y/N's well-being. The school agreed to take immediate action, including disciplinary measures against the bullies and increased supervision to prevent future incidents.

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