mini-matt '' part 4

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Part 4 :>

As the tranquility of the morning enveloped the room, Y/N stirred in her sleep, her eyes fluttering open with a start. For a moment, she looked around with wide-eyed surprise, her heart racing with the suddenness of awakening.

But as her gaze settled on the familiar faces of her brothers—Nick, Matt, and Chris—she felt a sense of reassurance wash over her. With a contented sigh, she nestled back into Matt's chest, her eyelids growing heavy once again.

Nick, Matt, and Chris watched with affectionate smiles as Y/N drifted back into slumber, her tiny form curling up against Matt's warmth. They knew that the morning had brought with it a brief moment of excitement, but now, with Y/N safely back in the realm of dreams, peace had returned to their home.

With a collective sigh of contentment, the brothers settled in to enjoy the quiet stillness of the morning, grateful for the love and camaraderie that filled their hearts. And as they watched over Y/N, their little sleeping beauty, they knew that no matter what the day held in store, they would face it together, bound by the unbreakable bond of family.

As Y/N reached the milestone of six months old, her personality continued to develop and grow. With each passing day, she became more curious and expressive, her bright eyes taking in the world around her with wonder and fascination.

One noticeable change was her newfound tendency to side-eye Matt, her once-favorite brother. It seemed that as Y/N grew older, her affections shifted, and now, it was Nick who held the coveted title of her favorite brother.

Nick couldn't help but grin with pride as Y/N's eyes lit up whenever he entered the room. He relished in the special bond they shared, cherishing every moment spent playing and laughing together.

Meanwhile, Matt took Y/N's newfound preference in stride, his heart filled with love and admiration for his little sister, regardless of her favorite brother status. He continued to shower her with affection and attention, knowing that their bond was unbreakable, no matter who she favored at the moment.

Chris watched the dynamic between his siblings with amusement, marveling at the ever-changing dynamics of sibling relationships. He knew that as Y/N continued to grow and explore the world around her, her preferences would continue to evolve, but one thing would always remain constant—the love and support of her brothers.

And as they journeyed through the ups and downs of siblinghood together, Nick, Matt, Chris, and Y/N knew that their bond would only grow stronger with each passing day, creating memories and forging connections that would last a lifetime.

Seeing Y/N's newfound preference for Nick, Matt couldn't resist teasing her playfully. With a mock pout, he pretended to wipe away imaginary tears from his eyes.

"Oh, Y/N, how could you betray me like this?" Matt exclaimed in a dramatic voice, his lower lip quivering with feigned sadness. "I thought we had something special!"

Y/N blinked up at Matt, her expression a mixture of confusion and amusement. She reached out to pat his cheek, her tiny hand soft against his skin.

Nick chuckled at Matt's theatrics, shaking his head in amusement. "Looks like you've been replaced, Matt," he teased, grinning at his younger brother.

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