My world ..

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The house was bustling with the usual energy that came from having a set of triplets who were also famous YouTubers. Matt, Chris, and Nick, the energetic trio, had been entertaining their fans with their hilarious antics and adventurous challenges. Amidst all this activity, there was a new, quieter presence in the home — their one-year-old sister, Y/N.

Y/N had been sick for the past few days. Her tiny body was fighting off a persistent cough that made her uncomfortable and clingy. Despite her discomfort, she found solace in her big brother Matt, who had a special bond with her.

Marylou, their mother, was bustling around the kitchen, making a soothing herbal tea. She glanced over at Jimmy, her husband, who was gently rocking Y/N in his arms. "How's our little girl doing?" she asked softly.

"She's been coughing less," Jimmy replied, a hint of relief in his voice. "But she still wants Matt around all the time."

Just then, the door burst open, and the triplets tumbled in, their laughter filling the room. They had been filming a new video and were still in high spirits. Matt, the eldest of the trio, immediately noticed Y/N's outstretched arms reaching for him.

"Hey, Y/N! How's my favorite little sister?" he said, taking her from Jimmy. Y/N nestled into Matt's arms, her tiny fingers clutching his shirt. Her brothers Chris and Nick hovered nearby, their faces showing concern.

"How is she doing?" Chris asked, his usual playful demeanor subdued.

"She's getting better," Matt assured them. "She just needs some extra cuddles and rest."

Marylou joined them, handing Matt a small bottle of medicine. "Here, she needs to take this now. It will help with her cough."

Matt carefully administered the medicine, his actions gentle and precise. Y/N wrinkled her nose but swallowed obediently, trusting her big brother. Matt then carried her to the couch, where he sat down with her cradled in his arms.

The triplets gathered around, their usual chaotic energy now replaced with a tender concern for their baby sister. They began to talk softly about their latest video, trying to keep her entertained and distracted from her discomfort.

As the evening wore on, Y/N's eyes began to droop. She felt safe and loved in the arms of her big brother, surrounded by the familiar voices of her family. The triplets' chatter became a soothing background noise, and she finally drifted off to sleep, her tiny hand still clutching Matt's shirt.

Jimmy and Marylou watched from the kitchen, their hearts warmed by the scene. "We've got some amazing kids," Jimmy said, wrapping an arm around Marylou.

"We do," Marylou agreed, smiling. "And they're taking such good care of their little sister."

In the cozy living room, the triplets continued to whisper and laugh softly, their attention divided between their new video ideas and their sleeping sister. It was a rare moment of calm in their usually hectic lives, and they cherished it.

Y/N, wrapped in the warmth of her family's love, slept peacefully, her cough gradually fading. The triplets knew that no matter how many followers they had on YouTube or how busy their lives got, their family would always come first. And as they watched over their little sister, they felt more connected than ever.

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