mini-matt '' part 6

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Part 6 :/

As Y/N slept peacefully against Nick's chest, her breathing suddenly became ragged, interrupted by a series of coughs that wracked her tiny frame. Nick's heart clenched with worry as he gently shifted her, trying to ease her discomfort without waking her.

Matt and Chris, alerted by Y/N's coughing, leaned in closer, their expressions filled with concern. "Is she okay?" Chris whispered, his voice laced with worry.

Nick nodded, his brow furrowed with concern. "I think she's just coughing in her sleep," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Matt reached out to gently stroke Y/N's back, hoping to soothe her. "Poor thing," he murmured, his heart aching at the sight of her distress.

As Y/N's coughing gradually subsided, her breathing returning to its normal rhythm, the brothers shared a silent moment of relief. They knew that even in moments of vulnerability, they would always be there for each other and for Y/N, united by the unbreakable bond of family.

With Y/N now settled back into a peaceful sleep, her coughing a distant memory, the brothers continued their journey into the night. As they drove on, the truck filled with the steady hum of the engine and the soft sound of Y/N's breathing, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united as one family.

Concern washed over Nick, Matt, and Chris as they noticed Y/N's trembling hand and the chill that seemed to envelop her. They exchanged worried glances, their hearts pounding with apprehension.

"Is she cold?" Chris asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Nick reached out to gently touch Y/N's forehead, frowning when he felt how cool her skin was to the touch. "Yeah, she feels a bit cold," he confirmed, his worry deepening.

Matt quickly retrieved a blanket from the backseat and carefully wrapped it around Y/N, tucking her in snugly. "There, that should help warm her up," he said softly, his voice filled with reassurance.

As the warmth of the blanket enveloped her, Y/N seemed to relax slightly, her trembling gradually subsiding. Nick, Matt, and Chris breathed sighs of relief, grateful to see her looking more comfortable.

"We should keep an eye on her temperature," Nick suggested, his gaze flickering between Y/N and the road ahead. "If it gets worse, we'll need to find a place to stop."

Matt and Chris nodded in agreement, their concern for Y/N outweighing any desire to push on with the journey. They remained vigilant, ready to take action at the first sign of further distress.

With Y/N now settled and the truck continuing on its journey, the brothers remained on high alert, their senses heightened as they kept a watchful eye on their precious sister. No matter what challenges lay ahead, they were determined to keep her safe and comfortable, united by their unwavering bond of family.

As Y/N's trembling persisted and her body began to shake more violently, the brothers' concern deepened into outright alarm. Matt's heart raced with fear as he reached out to touch her, his hand recoiling at the chill that seemed to emanate from her small frame.

"We need to do something," Chris exclaimed, his voice urgent.

Nick nodded, his hands tightening on the steering wheel as he scanned the road ahead for any signs of help. "We have to find a place to stop," he declared, his voice tinged with anxiety.

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