little sister..'' part 3

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Part 3!!

The next day passed in a blur of medical tests and consultations with doctors. Y/n’s brothers remained close by her side, ensuring she felt supported and loved. That evening, they took turns resting, each brother making sure someone was always awake to watch over Y/n.

As the clock struck midnight, Y/n began to stir in her sleep again. Her movements grew increasingly erratic, and her body suddenly tensed and started to shake violently.

Nick, who was on watch, immediately sprang into action. "Matt! Chris! She's having another seizure!"

Matt and Chris jolted awake, rushing to Y/n's side. They remembered the doctor's instructions and quickly moved Y/n into a safe position, ensuring there were no objects nearby that could cause injury. Nick started timing the seizure, his heart pounding in his chest.

As the seconds turned into minutes, the seizure showed no signs of stopping. "It's been over five minutes," Nick said, panic creeping into his voice. "We need help, now!"

Chris hit the call button for the nurse, his hands shaking. "Hang in there, Y/n," he murmured, his voice choked with fear.

A nurse burst into the room, quickly assessing the situation. "We need a doctor in here immediately!" she called out into the hallway.

Within moments, a team of medical professionals entered the room, working swiftly to stabilize Y/n. The brothers were pushed back slightly to give the medical team space to work, their eyes never leaving Y/n’s trembling form.

After what felt like an eternity, the seizure finally subsided, and Y/n’s body went limp. The doctor checked her vitals and administered medication to help prevent further seizures. "She’s stable for now, but this was a severe episode," the doctor explained, his tone serious. "We'll need to adjust her medication and keep her under close observation."

Tears streamed down Matt’s face as he looked at his sister. "Why is this happening to her?"

The doctor sighed, sympathy in his eyes. "The combination of physical injuries and emotional stress can trigger these episodes. We’ll do everything we can to manage and prevent future seizures, but it’s crucial that she stays calm and stress-free."

Nick, his face pale, asked, "Is she going to be okay?"

"With proper medication and support, she should recover," the doctor replied. "But it’s important to monitor her closely and ensure she’s in a safe, stress-free environment."

Once the medical team left, the brothers gathered around Y/n’s bed, their hearts heavy with worry and determination. Chris gently brushed a tear from Y/n’s cheek. "We’ll get through this, Y/n. We’re here for you."

Y/n, though exhausted and frightened, managed a weak smile. "I know. Thank you."

Matt squeezed her hand gently. "We love you so much, Y/n. We're not going to let anything happen to you."

Nick nodded, his voice filled with conviction. "We’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and healthy."

The brothers stayed by Y/n’s side through the night, their bond strengthening with each passing moment. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but with their love and support, they believed they could help Y/n overcome anything. As dawn broke, they remained vigilant and hopeful, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

Matthew Sturniolo Imagines Where stories live. Discover now