Chapter 5 - And Slapping You in The Face

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Lucky ducks, I'm posting this a few hours early! Xo


Amelia left Vegas with a recommendation letter and a few contacts her previous supervisor promised would either get her a job or at the very least put her on the right path. She returned home, disappointed her escort would no longer be her private comedian, and continued playing happy house fiancée. A few weeks later during a routine check-up, Amelia received disturbing news she was hoping to avoid.

"How're my girls?" Jax swooped into the kitchen, after Amelia called him in a subdued, yet still panicked tone, and immediately went for little Alice as she cooed in her swing. "You're getting big, Ally girl."

Amelia stepped into the kitchen from the laundry room with a deep-set frown. "Not big enough," she sighed. "Pediatrician is concerned with her size and breathing patterns. She suggested we take Alice for a consultation with the surgeon."

Hiding his concern, Jax cuddled Alice closer and kicked the chair out from the table to sit. "Maybe we shouldn't have waited?"

"No," Amelia's eyes were watery already. "I'm still okay with waiting for the surgery. I hate the idea of them putting her under and opening her up like that, especially so young."

"Meely," Jax spoke in a strong yet gentle tone. "It's gonna be fine. Shit, it's the Teller rite of passage."

"I still hate it." She sniffled. "Our baby shouldn't have to have fucking heart surgery, Jackson."

He nodded, feeling everything she was but knowing he'd have to be the supportive one at that moment. "She won't even remember it and it'll make her stronger, she's gonna be fine."

"I know," she bent down to give him a kiss. "The appointment is next week. The info packet is huge, I haven't even looked at it yet." Gesturing to the paperwork in the table, Amelia carefully took Alice back. "I'm going to change her diaper then can you feed her?"

"Sure," he grabbed the papers as Amelia pranced out of the room with Alice. Skimming the information page by page he stopped as his eyes rolled over one particular name on the list of surgeons who could potentially treat his daughter.

Dr. Tara Knowles.

"Yeah, this is gonna go over real fucking well."


"Mr. Winston," Mae beamed when she saw Opie trudge into her office. "Cheer up, I'm here to help." Standing, she greeted him with a firm handshake and noted his smile growing more natural and sincere.

"Yeah, not sure how much you can do." Opie said over his shoulder with a disbelieving expression on his face. Taking the seat across from her desk, the leather squeaking beneath him, Opie looked around awkwardly. Her seemingly eternal optimism and cheery attitude struck him odd but Opie liked it, not that he'd ever admit it. Donna frowned, constantly, and the smiles Mae gave reminded him or how much he missed that happiness in his everyday life.

Mae's lips fell as she folded her hands on the desk. She was disheartened to see him in his cut and assumed he had worn it as some kind of message. He could see she was slightly anxious, her serious expression faltering slightly every so often, but she kept her eyes on him. It was cute, he found himself smirking at her sudden anxiety, but hiding his own feelings well as he smoothed out his beard.

"I can't lie," she gave him a wonky embarrassed smile. "I get the distinct feeling you don't want to be here."

"I don't," he shrugged. "Like I said, I'm not sure you'll have anything for me."

"You have to want this," she said without her usual smile. "I thought you did at first, you sent me references and a resume, but I can see now you don't. I'm not putting my neck out for someone who isn't here for the right reasons. It'll end badly and it'll reflect on me. Why are you here?"

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