Chapter 78 - After The Storm

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"There will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears. Love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears. Get over the hill and see what you find there with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair." - Mumford and Sons

*A few days later*

"Mae it was amazing; the look on her face was priceless and for once the bitch was speechless." Amelia practically sang as she and Mae picked up a few party necessities they could only get in Charming; namely steaks from the Germans.

Laughing, Mae nodded along with her. "I would have loved to have seen that, her and Don-" Mae stopped. "Sorry, I forget you guys were really close."

With her nose up, annoyed, Amelia shrugged. "Guess Ope was our friendship, ya know? When she did that shit to him," Amelia's hand balled into fists. "I could have knocked her the fuck out. Blood or not, no one hurts him and no one hurts me or they gotta deal with us. Winston strong, we should get shirts made or something as a warning."

"Oh my god," Mae snorted as they paid for the pounds and pounds of meat they were hauling out to the car. "You two are intense, I'll give you that."

"Damn right," Amelia slammed the trunk. "God I wish I could be with Jax right now; he's telling Gemma about Tara."

Mae's eyes went wide. "How could you miss it?"

"I felt bad gloating in front of her," Amelia whined. "I'm too nice to that bitch."

"I have no comment," Mae said cautiously. "Kenny and Ellie are coming back with me and Ope for the party, I just hope I don't have to see Donna."

"See her and be all over Ope," Amelia suggested. Seeing Mae's surprised expression, she laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm petty when people I love get hurt."

"Thanks, Amelia," Mae said with sincerity as they clicked their seat-belts. "You and Jax, and Ope obviously, you guys are the best, you're my family now. I'm still struggling with a lot of the aspects of a relationship with Opie but I'm not struggling with the loyalty family aspect."

"Oh Mae," Amelia smiled and gave her a half hug from the driver's seat. "You're so sweet and I totally look at you as my sister just don't hurt Ope and we're all good."

"I love your brother," Mae sighed dreamily. "Even when we're not talking."

"He doesn't talk a lot," Amelia pulled out of the parking lot. "He's backwards and I know he hurt you but just remember he's hurting too and he deals with it in his own weird way. He's so scared of losing you, he needs you, please remember that."

Mae felt monumentally guilty. "Yeah, well, he and I are the same in that sense. I need him. Painfully. So that's a start."

"We can't cry," Amelia sniffled. "You going back to work?"

"Yeah, then I'm meeting Ope at the clubhouse."

"Sounds like a plan." Amelia drove Mae back to Cara Cara and skidded to a stop inches from Ima's car. "Watch what ya touch," Amelia joked. "Don't wanna catch anything!"

"Thanks, that's gross." Mae laughed at she walked back into the studio to the smell of lube and condoms. "This is gonna stick to my damn clothes," she lamented sitting back at her desk to continue her arduous work.

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