Chapter 51 - Devil In The Details

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"My sweet little love, you are the death of me, but you have not killed me just yet." – R.M. Drake

*Another few days later*

"Hey," Amelia stepped into Opie's with a sad, awkward look on her face. She saw Mae with a few bags in hand and she realized this was their big weekend. "Welcome to Vegas," she said with exaggerated joy.

"Thanks," Mae beamed. "I love it here!"

Opie smiled, enthralled with her adorable and infectious excitement, and chuckled rolling his eyes to cover his smitten gaze. "You been here an hour."

"A wonderful hour," Mae corrected him.

"Ope, can we talk?" Amelia said coolly.

"Mae, give us a minute," he said leading Amelia into the kitchen while Mae headed toward the steps with her luggage. "You okay?"

"I'm umm," closing her eyes she jumped right to the point. "I'm sleeping with someone and I need advice."

Opie huffed and rolled his jaw. "Maybe this is uhh something you should talk to Mae about? Or a friend? I don't wanna talk about this shit with you."

"I have to talk to you," she stammered.

"Why?" He looked at her pleadingly. "Fucking awkward."

She knew it was and she hated it but Opie was the only person she could trust. "I know, but I don't have anyone else and Mae really can't help with this."

"Alright," he rolled his wrist and waved for her to continue. "What's the problem?"

"It's Juice." She said his name in a whisper as if someone could overhear. "I'm sleeping with Juice."

"Jesus Christ," he grumbled. "Are you stupid?" He asked harshly and Amelia looked away completely mortified. "What is this some kind of fucking revenge thing? Cause you're screwing him over bad, Meels."

"It's not," she whined. "It's not revenge, Ope." Her feet moved beneath her nervously, unsure she even wanted admit the truth to her brother. "I have feelings for him and I don't know what to do."

Opie's anger was surpassed by pity and sorrow as he looked at his little sister, her heart destroyed by his best friend, and now he had to do the same. "You know what you have to do."

"But I love him," she cried. "I really love him, Ope. I'm actually happy."

Tears filled his eyes as he crossed the kitchen and hugged her, instantly making her feel like a child in the best way. "Damn it, Meels, you can't do this. You can't be with him. It's wrong."

"I know," her face twisted and scrunched as she tried to hold back her sobs. "It's not fair though. He gets to do whatever he wants with women who he claims mean nothing but I can't be with someone I actually care about because of the fucking patch."

"I'm sorry," he sighed, his hand running up and down her back soothingly. "Meels, no one can ever know you did this. Juice, he'll lose his patch at best, and you, if Jax really wanted to, he could ruin you."

"He already has," she whimpered. "And he still is with this shit."

Opie was at a loss. "Look, I don't know what you want me to do." He stepped away from her and looked her squarely in the eyes to emphasize his seriousness. "If I tell you to go for it, you're in a shit ton of danger from the club, Juice too, but I can't actually make you stop, and I wouldn't cause that's fucking shitty and I want my sister to be happy."

"But you can, turn a blind eye?" She sniffled. "Maybe, pretend you don't know but if you hear anything," she trailed off. "But that puts you in a shitty position too."

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