Chapter 8 - Facing and Accepting Reality

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"Deal with the world the way it is, not the way you wish it was." - John Chambers

Mae beamed as she met with Donna at a small coffee shop not far from Charming. Coming right from the office she wore a teal dress, cinched at the waist with little kitten heels on her feet. Donna immediately felt her back go up, such friendly behavior made her defensive, it wasn't something she was used to unless someone wanted something in return. Mae's style also turned Donna off, she was cute and young, too peppy, and suddenly the fact that her husband smelled of this girl bothered Donna much more than it had before.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Extending her hand, Mae joined Donna at the table.

Politely, Donna shook Mae's hand and forced a smile. "Yeah, you too. I'm sorry if this is weird," she shrugged as the waitress served the coffee Donna had ordered.

"It's not," Mae assured her. "Can I just have a large flat white?" Internally, Donna rolled her eyes at the woman but it was far from insecurities that made her so dismissive, it was everything else. "So, I'm not sure how I can help you. Did something happen?"

"SAMCRO happened." Blindly adding sugar to her mug, Donna chewed her bottom lip. "I don't know how to get him to see what happened, to him and to our family, when he went away for the club."

While this type of conversation wasn't part of her job description it was something Mae found herself doing more and more frequently. Weighing her words carefully, she began to speak cautiously. "He had chances though, there were ways he could have gotten out, but Opie chose to remain loyal to the Sons."

"What?" The porcelain clanked loudly as Donna slammed her mug down on the table. "If he didn't, they would have killed him, not much of a choice."

Mae sipped her coffee, taking a long purposeful sip, as she tried to find anything to say to comfort the woman. "He wants to go back to them, we both know he does, and it's unfortunate but think of how depressed he'll be if he cuts off that giant part of his life, at least all at once, so quickly. If I remember correctly, his dad is a member, right?"

"Yeah," Donna huffed, annoyed by Mae's demeanor and perpetual smile. "His dad, his best friend, he was practically raised in that clubhouse."

"Okay, so tell me, how easy would it be for you to cut off your entire life at the drop at a dime?"

Drawing her head back, Donna glared at Mae. "I thought you were supposed to be on my side?"

"I am," Mae said quickly but almost instantly shook her head. "I'm not really on anyone's side." Setting her mug done gently Mae folded her hands on the table. "I'm trying to help you and Opie ease back into this. The decisions are yours to make, his to make I guess, but whatever he chooses, I'm just meant to help it happen smoothly."

"I guess you're the one who said part time is okay?" Now not only was the cheerful mood annoying but also her defense of Opie who, in Donna's mind, was completely wrong. This girl knew nothing of their situation and Donna regretted ever calling her.

"It is okay." Now Mae was growing upset. "And I really don't appreciate being attacked, Mrs. Winston. I'm an advocate for your husband; McCann offered him part time," The words burned Mae's tongue, she hated lying, "So he took it. He took it even though he didn't want to because he knew you wanted him to, which really should count for something. Besides, part time is still less time he's with the club so it's better than nothing."

"Do you have kids?" Donna asked coolly.

"No, I don't."

"Then you have no idea." She snapped. "And as much as you want me to believe it, the world isn't all sunshine, Miss Callahan."

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