Chapter 18 - A Thin Line Between Loyality and Emotional Masochism

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"If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?" - Zedd

Entering the kitchen, her bare feet slapping on the tile floor, Amelia went right for the refrigerator and turned to Juice with a bottle of wine.

"Would you like a glass?"

Unusual for Amelia, her voice was monotone, face pale and wet, vividly red hair twisted up off her back and into a clip. There was still something about her, something that drew him in; maybe it was her natural appearance that he found so striking. Without makeup, she had more freckles and her exhaustion produced dark circles under eyes, but her skin still glowed and her crystalline eyes sparkled.

"Not really a wine drinker," he chuckled, "Little early too."

"This is Jax Teller's house," she smirked, "We have whiskey and lots of it."

Juice shrugged and nodded, needing something to calm his nerves, and watched as she glided around the kitchen. "It is still early."

"I heard that the first time and no it's not," she rolled her eyes. "I know how you all operate. I grew up in that damn clubhouse. Coffee and sugar filled energy crap until noon, beer and whiskey till bed; although, depending on the work schedule, those could be flipped."

"You are SAMCRO through and through."

Amelia sat and handed him the rocks glass. "Don't remind me."

"So," Juice held out the last letter for a second before taking a sip. "What happened?" His pudgy fingers pointed to the tiny cut on her lip then off to the already deep purple bruise forming at the base of her neck.

"Tara Knowles' ex-boyfriend, a fucking federal goddamn agent, kidnapped me because Jax threatened him, FOR her."  Bringing the wine glass to her lips, she closed her forlorn eyes and chugged a long gulp. "Ditching my lady like manners," she added once she swallowed.

"Hell, I'm surprised you're drinking wine." He tapped his rings along the lip of his glass. "I always thought you would be like, harder, like Gemma, but you're not."

"You still shouldn't fuck with me," she said truthfully but with a flippant tone. "But don't compare me to her, please."

"Sorry," he frowned a little. "Once I got to know you I could see you aren't like that, it's nice actually."

"Yeah," Amelia pulled a face. "Refreshing not to have another woman like that floating around?"

"Oh yeah," he agreed wholeheartedly. "I mean Gemma is great," Juice said suddenly. "Love her, but she can be-"

"Psychotic." Amelia said with no hint of a joke in her voice. "I love her too, she practically raised me when my mom split, but let's be real, she's nuts."

Juice smiled, his cheeks growing warm, and nodded but did not verbally agree. "You done trying to avoid the subject?"

Rolling her eyes and scoffing, as if she were still some petulant child, Amelia drained her glass and quickly refilled it. "She's got shitty taste in men," Amelia started. "First, she wants Jax then she dates this nutbag."

"What did he want?" The wooden legs of the chair squeaked as he scooted closer. "Feds don't kidnap old ladies for testimony or evidence."

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