Chapter 66 - Blood vs Bonds

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"A son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life." - Irish Proverb

"I don't mind Vegas," Jax chuckled over the phone to Opie as he sat on the balcony with an orange juice and vodka. "Waking up after noon with your sister in th-"

"Shut up," Opie grumbled. "We got real shit to talk about."

"Alright," Jax lost his jovial mood quickly. "What's going on?"

"Luanne is pissed," he sighed. "But it's a mess over there. She knows porn, yeah, but I think that's it."

Jax laughed. "Yeah, I'm not surprised that's where her talents are, brother. I'll talk to Otto, he'll understand and we'll clean that shit up."

There were other ideas Opie had but they were just that, ideas, and he was unsure how they'd pan out. "I was going to see if Mae was into kind of, overseeing it all, the business side of Cara Cara."

"Keep it all in house, someone we can trust, I like the idea but I thought she was moving down here with you," Jax mused.

"She is," he said firmly. "But you know, I'm up in Charming a lot and it's not like she has to be there, all that shit is done on the phone and online."

The line was quiet for a moment. "Let's settle some shit first. Let Mae heal, let me get up there to talk to Otto, one step at a time to keep the Porn Queen from flipping out."

"Yeah, probably better that way." Opie admitted. "That shit with her dad we talked about, the lease and going legal with it all, it worked. For now, at least."

"Piece of shit is too scared to go up against you, the club or a fucking law suit." Jax laughed uproariously. "I know you love her but having to deal with that shit isn't what you signed up for."

Opie pulled a face. "I don't give a shit," he scoffed. "You really think I'd think twice about it?"

"Nah, man," Jax was surprised by Opie's assumptions. "I just meant the whole dealing with the parents shit, goddamn, relax."

Opie inwardly groaned, knowing he was on edge and taking everything the worst possible way he could, and apologized quickly. "Oh yeah, sorry, just uhh, I'm fucking out of my mind here. Between this shit, then Amelia and Cara Cara."

"You should go," Jax advised sagely. "Relax a little with your old lady, forget porn and her old man and Ireland for now." Looking up he noticed Amelia sauntering into the living area, in nothing but his t-shirt, and toward the balcony. "I'm tellin' ya, it'll clear your head, worked for me."

"Yeah, I'll try," he sighed. Both men knew he wasn't the relaxing type, he was contemplative and emotional despite how he looked to others. "Tell my sister I said hi."

"I will," Jax grinned as he slipped his hand up Amelia's shirt. "Take it easy, Ope, I mean it."

"Yeah, I will," he ended the call and sat on the edge of the bed in the SAMCRO clubhouse.


"What's he moping about?" Amelia giggled as she slapped Jax's hand away and placed her phone down on the table beside his chair.

"Everything," Jax rolled his eyes. "I would be too if I wasn't here with you."

"Mae okay?"

"Yeah she's fine," Jax assured Amelia as he pulled her into his lap. "Head back after dinner?"

"Really?" She drew her head back. "I thought you'd want to rush home."

"I really don't," he kissed her neck sweetly. "I just want to be here with you."

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