Chapter 76 - Working Out Some Kinks

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"Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and extraordinary part of the lives we live." - Nora Roberts

*About a Week Later*

"It's been weird," Mae admitted as she and Amelia met up at the SAMNAV clubhouse. "Tense, but without anger. Just uncomfortable."

"I think that's better than what you could be feeling," Amelia shrugged. "I mean there's no hate, that's awesome."

"But there's apathy," Mae admitted. "He asked me if I wanted to go out this weekend, Meels, he doesn't ever ydo that and I just," she shrugged. "I don't care either way."

"I don't know what to say," Amelia sighed. "This is not your average relationship issue."

"You ever see Jax kill someone?" Mae asked, lowering her voice despite being in the safest place to discuss it.

"I did, Jax and Opie, but they were much different situations. This isn't new to me; your criminal father wasn't around, mine raised me in this shit."

"This isn't what I thought it would be," Mae whimpered. "After everything with Donna and then Skylar I thought I had a taste, this was "the life"." She did little air quotes as she said it. "But it wasn't, at all."

"Mae, you haven't seen shit," Amelia warned her. "You haven't been through a lockdown or a real threat to the guys." Frowning, Amelia looked away from Mae and focused on her coffee. "Shit like Ireland is unheard of, but that's not exactly club business either."

Nodding and desperate to shift the topic Mae asked about Jax. "What about you and Jax?"

"We're okay," Amelia finished her mug and pushed it back to the edge of the bar. "It's still like that post fight feel. Still. Figures though, cause we're both still pissed."

Mae scoffed and rolled her eyes. "We went from happy couples who hate each other to good friends with troubled relationships."

"God I hated you," Amelia laughed. "Sorry."

"I wasn't crazy about you either," Mae shrugged. "How's Trinity working out?"

"She's good. Alice loves her which is great." Checking the time, Amelia jumped up from the bar stool and said her goodbyes.

It was her first shift back after taking her family leave citing a death in the family, but leaving out the IRA kidnapping details, as her reasoning. There was a rather personal task she had to handle that night as well and her stomach flip flopped every time she thought of it.

While gathering her things Juice strolled into the clubhouse. His eyes fell on Amelia, the first time since Ireland, and he instantly moved to hug her.

"I'm so glad you're home," he sighed. "You've been in hiding. I thought you woulda came around before."

"Wasn't really ready," she pushed him off her and shrugged. "You can't hug me like that Juice."

He looked around, suddenly keenly aware of who was there, and nodded sadly. "Sorry."

"You need to make up your mind," she hissed in a low whisper. "In Ireland you were a total dick and now you're pawing at me. Figure out how you feel and deal with it, I have too much other shit on my mind."

Amelia stormed out of the clubhouse leaving Juice stunned. He stood in his spot until Opie gave him a shove forward.

"Passed Amelia on my way in," he said with a dark look. "You pissed her off, brother."

"What else is new," Juice scoffed on his way toward his laptop.

"He's such a puppy dog," Mae said to Opie as she slipped off the stool.

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