Chapter 37 - No Going Back

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"Beware the manipulators claiming that they love you. Satan was an angel once and hell can look an awful lot like paradise." - Erin Van Vuren


"Just two more signatures and you're all set."

Jax and Amelia sat at the conference table, fluorescent lights buzzing above them anything the room in a sickly yellow glow, as the realtor and mortgage broker handed them form after form. It was supposed to be exciting, joyous even, but as they signed their stomachs churned and their hearts ached.

"Congratulations!" The overly peppy realtor clapped her hands as they dropped their pens. "You two are officially homeowners! Now all you have to do is tie the knot!" She glanced at Amelia's ring and winked at Jax.

"Mr. Teller, settlement for the other property is in thirty minutes. You can wait in here though." The broker smiled and left the room, assuring them he'd be back, and once the realtor followed they were alone.

"Guys are canvassing those motels." Jax informed Amelia as he read his texts. "Nothing so far."

"Are we going to find her?" Amelia asked, her chair turned towards his, as she rested her forehead on his shoulder. "I know from work, after forty eight hours, Jax, it's not good."

"This isn't like that though," he reminded her. "There's a point, they want something, we got more time."

They did have time. Alice was currently unharmed, freshly bathed and changed, wearing a plain pink onesie, being fed over 500 miles away.

"Yeah," Amelia mumbled. "Of course." Checking her watch she sighed. "I have to go to work, paperwork and clearance shit."

"Go," he kissed her sweetly. "Ope is here with me for this shit. Do you want someone? Juice or something?"

"Nah," she laughed a little. "I think it's super cute that you and Opie are on the paperwork for the clubhouse. Bromance at its finest."

"Stop," Jax grumbled embarrassedly. When she stood up from the table, Jax grabbed her hand. "We should," he fiddled with her ring. "I promised you we would before the move, we have a week until it's official."

"Without Ally?" She asked sadly. "And our families?"

"All I want is you, and I think Ally will understand." He kissed her hand. "I want to do this, now, with everything going on, I just want to have this."

She smiled a little. "We'll do it and not tell anyone then when we have her home announce it and do something? Maybe a priest or something?"


"I know a guy, he's in with a judge, we could do it tonight or tomorrow."

"Ope could be our witness." Jax smiled knowing she'd want him there at the very least.

"Okay, let's do it."


Mae couldn't help but pine for Opie as she jogged down the trail in the closest public park. He was gone for a few days and after her unsettling weekend she preferred a more populated jogging route. On her way back the local animal shelter had set up an adoption awareness table with loads of dogs wandering around looking for new homes.

"Oh no," she gasped seeing the slightly overweight French Bulldog lazily stretched out in the sun and knowing she could not say no. "I need him." It made sense to her, if Opie was moving she'd need some company and a man around the house. Pulling out her earbuds, she approached the table and immediately began the adoption process.

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