Chapter 48 - Decisions, Decisions...

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"There's a light in you and it makes me never fear the darkness in me." - Tyler Knot Gregson


Traipsing out of the bathroom, her hair wrapped up on her head in a towel, Amelia smiled as she peeked in to see Alice was still sleeping. Hurriedly, she dressed, and met Juice outback where he sat with a cigarette and, finally, his glass of ice tea.

"Oh God," Amelia laughed. "You look like you could just age fifty years and you'd still be in that same spot."

"Wouldn't mind that," he stretched out in the chair. "This sun is amazing. I don't get to just enjoy the sunshine anymore. It was my favorite part of coming out from New York."

"No east coast for me, I don't like the cold." Kicking his feet off the end of the chair she sat. "Look, I don't want you to think that I'm separating from Jax and jumping into anything with you, Juice. I want to hang out, and we can certainly do that again," she gestured over her shoulder to the house, "Occasionally."

"But you're not going to be my old lady?" He asked, peeking over his sunglasses. "I didn't think that and I wouldn't want it even if you did. Your head is jumbled enough."

"Is that... Did you just insult me?"

Juice laughed. "No but if we ever got into a relationship we have enough shit stacked against us without your mixed up, heartbroken mind sabotaging us too."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Are you kidding me?" He stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray and sat up. "I've had to watch you and Jax with your PDA bullshit and be a witness at your wedding, in this yard, this is the easy part."

"Thank you," she sniffled. "I'm not even sad right now, I know I will be when he gets back but, right now I"

"Good," he kissed her and leaned back again, slipping his glasses back over his eyes. "Now go make me a sandwich."

Amelia stood and rolled her eyes, amused by his joke but still wanting to get him back. Slipping her foot under the chair she flipped it, and him, over and onto the grass.

"I'll get right on that Juan," she scoffed and headed back into the house knowing he'd he coming for her soon for revenge.


Mae held tight to Opie and before she knew it Skylar was being cuffed and hauled out of her bedroom. It wasn't until then that she felt her heart rate begin to slow and her breathing return to normal.

"You wanna give us a minute?" Unser asked Opie and he agreed, knowing it was procedure.

Opie and Jax stomped down the steps and lingered in the living room while Kenny and Ellie gave their account to Eglee.

"You gonna take em' home?" Jax asked quietly as not to disturb Eglee.

"Yeah," he shuffled his feet for a second. "Uhh, so do I stay there?" He asked, his uncertainty and vulnerability glaringly obvious. "I want to stay with Mae. Did you see her? She's so freaked out."

Jax nodded. "How do you think they're handling it?" His eyes rolled back toward Kenny and Ellie.

"I don't know, but they got Donna, Mae's got no one."

"You do what you gotta do, brother."

The others arrived despite the situation having been resolved and while they lingered out front Piney charged in to see his grand kids.

"Hey Pop," Opie intercepted the old man before he could interrupt Eglee. "The sooner they're done the sooner they go home."

"What the hell happened?"

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